Is That Your Faggot Friend?

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[Adrian's P.O.V]

                            "Hey , wanna go at the club tonight?" Eunice asked me as she peaks on my desk. Its been awhile since Jachin walked out the office. Josh was busy working on his upcoming project and here I was writing some stuff that I don't even know. Bussines is more boring than I thought. Good thing they have someone like Eunice. Geez. This girl is full of sunshine. She's like a walking unicorn with a red flaming head. Oh wait , scratch that. She's like a lady ghost rider. "Hello? Do you have to be dumbfounded all the time?" She snaps and it ruined my thoughts. 

                            "Huh?" I said. "You're inviting me?" 

                            "We're inviting YOU!" Ecel sneaks in. "It should be fun like always. Girls will get on you , cute boy!" She pinches my cheek. Geez. I bit my lips. I never been on a club before , I mean I don't tell that to anyone because that makes me feel like I'm a loser but I don't really go to clubs. I rather spend my day on the woods and write about what I feel than drink and get laid or something. HA! I'm such an old fashion guy. 

                            But its not bad to try. Besides. 

                            I'm 21. 

                            Going on 22. 

                            "So? You in?" Eunice snaps me back. Both giggling , I look at Josh who is now looking at us. No not them. Just me. In that freakish and scary look , it suddenly made me nervous and concious about what I look now. I don't know but when he looks at me , it really burns like is that heat rays on his eyes? Can't help myself , but I look back at him without me really noticing it. His part of the lip curves at the side and he looks back at his work.  

                            I look at back at Eunice and Ecel who is also observing the two of us. "Is there suppose to be something between you and Mr. Rogers? Because he's been acting weird lately?" Eunice ask , crossing her arms and her eyebrows wiggled. "I mean , I never really saw him happier than before?"

                            "Oh! Maybe its his coffee? Are you putting something on his coffee" Ecel said impulsively. This girl is like , getting on my nerves. But I don't blame her. Besides , I don't make coffees anymore. They can make you feel small , as what my mother told me. But maybe its just my genes. But Josh is literally big so now I don't believe my mother. I look back at Josh again , he's like waiting for my answer too. Can he hear our conversation too? Because if he does , then that's quite awkward. I bit my lip to the thought.

                            "Girls , please knock it off. There is nothing going on as far as I'm concerned." I smiled. 

                            "Oh god you look really cute when you smile! You're like my crush!" Ecel said while doing the beautiful eyes on me. I grimaced at her and she rolled her eyes realizing that I don't like girls that way. "Oh yeah , I noticed that you're gay." She rolled her eyes and sighed. Yeah. I am. "So? You still going cutie pie?" She said smiling.

                            I looked at Josh again. I could really use some help. I hope he gets my sign that I really don't want to go. I've been look at him all through out the conversation. I don't want to disappoint the girls but its not my thing. And I really hate crowded places and noisy places. I want peace. I mean like if they will ask me 'Hey Adrian , wanna go at the mountain top?' then I would be like 'Hell freaking yeah!' because that's who I am and I don't want to change myself. Call it stereotype but whatever. Minutes of starring at him , his eyebrows raises like some light bulb flings at the top of his head and he stands up. The girls noticed him and it made them nervous. I chuckled lightly.

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