Wicked Way With Me

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                         Hello everybody! Another chapter for you! Vote , Share , Follow and Comment if you want. I hate being pushy *makes cat face* anyways. Just gonna warn you that this chapter is full of cliche lines and giggly moments that can make you tingly. So popcorns up. And by the way , good song at the right side of your screen , it is entittled "Wicked Way" which inspired this whole story so bad. As you can see , I have the same chapter name like that on my previous creations. Anyways , play it if you want too. It's really good.



[Adrian's P.O.V]

                                I didn't remember my last words to Tuck , all I remembered was that he gave me this precious locket that was still on my hands. Geez, I sure do feel a little happy today. Maybe it's because of my birthday. Don't you feel that rush every morning? When it's your birthday you suddenly feel alive and you feel like the day is just dedicated for you? Well that is what I feel right now. I feel light and happy like I was never before. Oh. My. Glob. I am 22 years old! Geez! I can already hear Taylor Swift's song on my eardrums. Oh no , I can't believe I listen to those kind of music.

                              I sighed as I lay down for awhile in his comfy and good smelling bed , smiling and stretching my whole body. I couldn't imagine what would happen to me this day. A few sigh made me realize that Tuck was not even here. I raised my brows , half surprised. Did he leave that early? I got up from his bed and found a note at his pillows. 

                                'I don't want to ruin that angel face of yours so I guess I have to leave you alone with my flat. Consider this place as your place , what is mine is yours. I am giving you the key so whenever I get back in New York , I would call you. I'm sorry if you cannot protest though if you don't want the key just leave it at the doormat. But I consider this as one of my gifts to you so be my guest. Good bye Adrian.

                                Good bye Adrian. 

                                I don't know why but those words made me feel free. Like finally I got to move on with Tuck and not hide that bitter feelings. It made me feel light. It is true that when you face your problems with somebody in a way that is both beneficial for the both of you , it'll be good.  I know that I had to accept it and that I regret nothing. Tuck and I were done for good and we're friends. And it was nice of him to leave me his flat. But that is also a short term for saying 'Please clean my house while I'm out and be my maid' which is the last thing I would do. So I decided to leave his keys on the doormat. He knew that I will decline his offer giving me his flat because he knew that I will say 'It's too much'. I smiled at the note and hid it on my pocket. Glad that my clothes are still on my body because I trusted Tuck enough to stay with him for the night and if he tries to molest me again then I will be the first one to go burn his face with a torch. Besides , he was right. We need to have  bondings as friends. It would be heartless of me to not accept his wish. His one last wish. And he's out. For good. I nod to myself as I fix the bed and went to the bathroom to wash my face. Looking at myself in a mirror I sighed. 

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