Author's Note/Trivia/Facts

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The next chapter will be uploaded after two hours or less but it's done so you won't have to wait that much. I wrote a separate author's note because I don't want my chapter longer than an author's note.

Before everything else, I am advertising my new story. It's called "Double Penetration" basically it's a funnier and less serious BoyxBoy compare to Bed... Now! which focuses on the more serious side and less focusing about what others think of them. Check it out, it's actually fun. Picture is up above.

Here it goes...

I want to thank everyone for supporting me, for commenting on my story, for voting and for reading. Advance to those who's just seeing this. To those loyal voters I have and those who helped me with building the plot. Thank you to my friends who let me use their names. All of them are real (except Captain Sparklez of course, he's a youtuber.) Usually you will find this note at the end but I'll be honest, I'm scared you won't check this out.

Yea... rookie wattpad user problems.

To those wattpad authors who inspired me. I won't name them because they're too many to mention. But it's basically everyone. Thank you guys.

Chris Evans and my undying love for Captain America. Yep. I love him too much that I included him here on my story.

So let's go with the trivia shall we?

- This story was supposed to be a fanfiction of Francisco Lachowski and Alex Pettyfer and a girl named Andrea. It was supposed to be submitted on tumblr like those regular fanfictions.

- So originally, this story was not supposed to be a BOYXBOY romance.

- Chad Hansford is supposed to be British and was supposed to be Alex Pettyfer but he was too mainstream so I picked Austin Butler. He looks good too, not to mention looks like he smelled nice.

- I had a hard time looking for a visual for Adrian because I want him to be an adult but also looking like a seven year old boy. Which is kinda impossible so I looked for the cutest guy in tumblr. Originally, Adrian was supposed to be a K-POP ulzzang but I want to make it as wester as possible for he lives in Kansas.

- Wicked Way is a song from Ben Taylor, I heard it on What's Your Number.

- The title was originally Lick... Now! but I figured I'd save it for the next one.

-Josh is the one who's supposed to have Parkinson's but I just don't see it coming.

- Originally, Adrian is a suicidal and depressed guy but I can't seem to grasp that thought of being suicidal.

- Chapters that are nine pages long are supposed to be in half but I just kept going because I really love writing this book.

- There is a plot for both Prequel and Sequel. Prequel will focus on Adrian and Tuck's love story (more dramatic) and Sequel will focus on *tentenenenenten* secret. I'm not sharing it until the official release. ;) Unless....

BED... NOW! (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now