Stay The Night

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                            Sorry for the long wait. Hope you enjoy this chapter! New stories "The Mighty 5" and "Cross Eyed (BoyxBoy)" Check it out and vote and comment and share! Thanks. Cross Eyed is my new BoyxBoy so I hope you check it out  and support my other babies! Too wasted to rre-read and clean. Maybe later.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Great Song. Inspired this chapter so bad. 


[Josh's P.O.V]

                           "So... You okay?" The dinner has ended awhile ago and after that , Adrian has been quiet and not even a single jabber escaped his mouth. And now we're on my room. It was one of the most scariest things that happened in my life but it is also one of the things I cherished the most. This happens rarely and it only happened to me once and now it's twice. Having dinner with my family together with my love one is just splendid and terrific. But not for Adrian. I know what he's feeling right now. The feeling of being the bad guy, but I always remind him that he's not a replacement , he's something more but I guess it'll never go away as along as someone is reminding him that. I love him and I don't think I can ever hurt him. How can I even put that phrase on his mind and make him believe me?

                          I believed in him when he said he's done with Tuck.

                          How is it different to me?

                           "Okay? You're asking me if I'm okay? Do I look like I'm okay? Huh?! Tell me! Am I okay? Because I. Am. Not. Super! Getting embarassed by your parents?"  He caught me by surprise because of his furiousness but I just can't take him seriously like this, specially when he's looking like a smoking tomato , this side of him , I like. "Is that okay? Tell me you piece of sh—" until I just can't get enough and just kiss him. And he didn't fight at all. He plays in and goes with it like he needed me. I broke the kiss and saw him frowning. I smiled and hold both of his arms. 

                          "Look. Will you shut up?" I said looking at him in the eye. This guy is so lost right now. But I am trying my best to understand him. My father may look like he's okay but in reality , he is not. Those things he said about Adrian are hints that he didn't like him , or me together with him. I just couldn't find a way on how he can hate Adrian. My mom probably talked to him for being rude awhile ago. But I have this weird and mix feelings with my father so it doesn't affect me. I know him , sometimes he gets impulsive and then realize what he had he done later at night then apologize in the morning. That's how my father's mind works. He didn't fire me at all , he just told me that because he was taken aback , I know him , he won't do that to me because we all know that I spent the rest of my life raising that company for my future and everyone else's. I understand his support for me that it came to the point where he forced me to marry Christine just to have a right amount of fund to pay the debts I had. But I can't. I don't love her anymore. My dreams are in my hands right now and his name is Adrian. Then I slap myself back to reality when I heard him sigh. 

                          "He doesn't like me , does he?" He said ,smiling at me sadly. Pursing my lips , I sighed looking for the right word to say. When I didn't find the right word , I just look at him and shake my head. Smiling sadly at him. "Just as I thought. I understand."

                          "Yes and that won't stop the both of us from loving each other. Right?" I shook his shoulder. When he didn't answer I shake it again. "Right?" 

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