Not The Bad Guy

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 He thought its bromance when you thought it was real. Talk about disappointments!  What if you're gay and your roommate is damn hell straight and freaking hot as hell , damn! Maybe hotter than hell! And then it just happened that he's straight and he's in a band the same as you. Then he treats you like a brother , little thing he knows is that you're having an erection while he plays with you.



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[Adrian's P.O.V]

                         I woke up feeling a heavy arm on my side. A light snore tickled my nose. I opened my eyes and I saw him sleeping like an angel. His lip are curved upward forming a light smile. He looks so dreamy. I'm so lucky to have him. What happened last night is not lust. It was love. At this moment , I realize how stupid I was to let Tuck dominate me. But you can't blame me and I can't blame myself , I know what's happening and I let it happen because I have a reason. Tuck , we've been through a lot of obstacles. We have this special connection that I can't explain but I moved on. I have the most gorgeous and perfect man right in front of me. He accepted me for who I was , what more can I ask for? We can be the perfect couple , I think we're meant to be. I nuzzle my nose on his and his eyebrows move up and down. He's waking up.

                         "Good Morning." He said with his sleepy voice that is so hot. The sunshine hit his emerald eyes. He's so dreamy. 

                         "You look so handsome in the morning." I smiled and chuckled.

                         He squeezed me with his arm. "You sound so girly you know that?" He chuckled as I slap his face lightly.

                         "Can't blame me." 

                         "So... Are you ready?" He ask me looking serious.


                         "Meeting my parents." My eyes widened. And that made me nervous instantly. His parents. I remember seeing them last night after our girly drama. I look so drained and I'm soaking wet  and my panting made my face so red. I think I'm not yet ready. But I can't say no to Josh. He faced his fears. But I know my parents , they're not the kind of people who would intimidate other people. But Josh's parents looks so intimidating and I can't help to shudder when I think of them. But I don't want to be judgmental. "You scared huh?"

                         "I am?" 

                         "You're shuddering. Did you take your meds?" He ask , neither the two of us doesn't want to get out of this bed. Then that's when I realize we were both naked. 

                         "Oh my glob Josh! We're naked?! I can feel you!" I blurted out without thinking. My face became purple and my ears are smoking! Then he gave me that creepy smile whenever things get kinda smutty. 

                         "I had a good night last night." He winks at me. "Hope you had one too." He grabbed my chin and kiss me. "Good morning. Party starts at ten. All of your co-workers will be there and everyone you know. Mom and dad will be there , Johnny and Jachin and you can invite Chad if you want , Christine and Tuck's family. Christian too — Tuck's little brother. You know him?" I close my eyes and reminisce the past. My past is so horrible that I spent almost all of my years forgetting it. Full of shame and disgrace. A lot of downs and almost no ups , that it came to the point where I decided to just kill myself but thankfully someone stopped me because someone still loved me. 

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