I'm Still Your First Love

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                     Okay guys , it took me days to write this chapter and I did a lot of thinking of where should this story go and I have a lots of options that will make this story tapsy-turvy and I decided to just do it. I guess I'm gonna be throwing the old plot now and make it even more exciting. Oh and I also have a new story , its called "SAFER THAN HEAVEN" , its also a boyxboy and its a fantasy story inspired by DmC: Devil may Cry , because I've been playing a lot of video games lately. I dedicate it to all of you and the craziness , so please check it out. I put the cover picture to the right side of this page. I need to advertise it and if you're interested please take a look and share it with the others. Spread the love. Don't forget to vote for this chapter. 


[Adrian's P.O.V]

                             "Tell me." I smiled. Probably challenging him. I didn't told him that Josh was my boyfriend so that we can go on. I don't know what I'm gonna hear. If its gonna hurt me or what but I can always ask Josh. I am not doubting him. I am just curious about him. I want to know more about his past. But I'm a terrible boyfriend if I listen to other's mouth about his past. I want to hear it from Josh , not from anyone else. But I'm here so why not take it a shot? 

                             "No. Its not my job." He smiled at me , probably changing his mind. Its like he knows what I'm thinking. He looks at me with his stabbing eyes , those blue eyes can kill. It did made me blush but who isn't? I don't even know if Tuck is gay or maybe he's just messing around. But I don't know him that much so whatever. Its been years , many people have changed , maybe he's one of them and if Josh had done something horrible from the past , I know that its not his fault or maybe it is but he did regret it. My expectations for Josh is not that high , because he's a human being , he made mistakes and I am here to accept what's that. Just like me , he accepted me for who I am. What I have and what I need. "Just in case you're wondering why I'm here , I'm here to offer you."

                             "Offer me what? Wait. I think I know." 

                             "A job. A better job. I heard that you're his assistant and there's no really space for writing there. You're job is to be his personal maid. In my company , I can make you a true journalist. For a better life."

                             I knew it. He's stealing me. "How can you be so sure that I am that good? And why are you spying on our company? How did you know these things Tuck?" I said , probably irritated but I try not too because I can see how collected and calm he is.

                             "None of it is your bussines , but if you join me , you will know." He smiled at me like he knew that I was in tension which I really am because I don't know where he's getting all the information. Mayb he saw my article , and it made him like me so he's hiring me now. Maybe he knew that I was going to Kansas so he followed me here just to say this. UGH! So many maybe's. 

                             " I'll think about it , Tuck. You seem very nice and I am flattered by your offer. But right now , I don't know. I can't leave my company that fast , I've only been there for months and I am having a great time on our office.I said , I was really gonna say no but at least there was an option when time comes.

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