We Might Be Dead By Tomorrow

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I want to take this opportunity to thank you guys for believing in this story. I know the gaps of the updates are too long and I kept you waiting for so long but don't worry. The long wait is over. There are a lot of holes that I left in on purpose because I wanted to give way. There's Cody, there's the mailbag and more so the next book will probably become an emotional roller coaster.

By the way, check out my new boyxboy! It's called "Double Penetration" and yes I know you're questioning my titles >_< but it's not bad really! Link on the comment section below. Picture cover's up above (or right if PC) See ya there! ;)


[Adrian's P.O.V]

Happiness, an emotional state of a human defined by positivity inside and out. It's one of the hardest thing to achieve because in order to be happy, you have to be contented first. I'm happy right now, but I'm not contented therefore I am not that happy at all. Why? I don't know. It has been my problem since I was a teenager. I mean I still am but now, I'm smarter and I'm growing constantly. Maybe it's the fact that I have Parkinson's. But these wounds will just deepen if I don't accept the fact that what I wanted in life will never happen. That is, to be Parkinson's free. I wanted to be free of this... cage. I want to cure myself. But as you can see, I can never cure myself. Old people always tell us younger people that we just have to accept it. But I can't. I can't accept it. It's blocking my love for Josh.

Although it's different from his perspective but still, I can't seem to give my full love for him. It seems as if, something is pulling me back. Something in my gut that tells me to stop.

Josh, the guy who gave me hope. Who opened the light for me once more. Who gave me a helping hand for one more time. He gave me the gift of happiness, that I can't seem to open. I can't because I can't accept some things in my life that is inevitable. I might need him more than he needs himself because I have gone this far, and little by little, he made me feel confident about my skin, made me accept my illness just a little and made me feel loved so I hope he sticks to his promise. That's what all we wanted. We wanted to feel loved, we wanted someone to take care of us and we wanted someone who will worry for us.

I have that.

But I'm still not happy.

Partially I am.

I figured as long as I don't accept this, I will never be happy.

There's always an answer of course. Accept it. It's a simple logic. But it's harder than it looks and I am still young. It will take time. But that's the problem, I'm short in time. I need to develop the acceptance fast. I might need a helping hand.

But nonetheless, there's no room for sadness right now. I'm getting married and right now, that's all that matters. I'll be walking in the aisle, as people watch me. My hair flowing with the gust of the wind. My lips not shy anymore. As I walk, I will leave everything, all the worries, all the problems and all the pressure. All these thoughts, I will throw and when I finally say I do, I will start a new life. A new life with him.

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