Give Up On Me

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[Adrian's P.O.V]

                               Its weekend! Finally! These past few days had been very pressuring for me. Chad and I don't talk to each other in the house. I'm scared that he might steal kisses again. But I'm not mad at him. I can't blame him if he's being impulsive right? But I don't want that because its opposing to my what so called personal space . And I'm really sensitive when it comes to my own space. I don't want people to just , touch me or kiss me. And I don't want random people touching my stuff because I'm selfish. C'mon! Everyone is. But anyway, it's weekend and I know what that means. 

                               I'm finally going to Kansas! Its Spring! 

                               I'm here at Josh's house. I'm waiting for him to be ready. It was really a surprise that I haven't seen any of his parents. I don't know about them but I'm pretty sure this is a big house and it's suitable for a whole family , not just for Josh and Johnny so it was very impossible if you say that only two of them lived here. Maybe they're just busy at their work right? But it's good that they are not here , I'm just gonna be more nervous when they're here. Josh's parents doesn't know yet that he has a relationship with me , so it's gonna be a long conversation. But at least my parents will now know that Josh is my first and hopefully my last boyfriend. I'm so excited to go there. I never brought anyone at my house , its gonna be his first time. I'm pretty confident because its Kansas. Its beautiful there , I grew up there , so its nice to be home after all this pressuring stuff. Its been months from now and I'm quite used to things and the routine but I will never get used to these guys doing silly stuff for me. 

                               I wonder why I don't get guys at Kansas.

                               Oh yeah. 

                               They're weirdos. 

                               And none of them are good looking. HA! 

                               Its been hours since Josh said that wait for him here. And I'm getting bored so I'm going upstairs. Though I forgot the direction of his room because of this big house with many doors. But thankfully, I got there and I saw him sitting on the edge of his bed , his head resting on his hands. 

                               "Hey." I said as he shrieks. 


                               "Do you still wanna go?" I said. Because he looks like he doesn't want to go. He looks nervous and frustrated. I don't know why. Sometimes I wish that I have super powers so I can read his mind. Its very interesting. But if he doesn't want to go and if he's not ready then that's okay for me. I don't want to force him , I don't want to rush our relationship , because I know this is quite new for him too. 

                               "Of course." He said with those serious eyes and face. 

                               "Are you mad?" 

                               "Why would I be?" He said getting irritated. And its getting me irritated too.

                         "Well sorry granpa if I care." I rolled my eyes as I walk out of the room but I got trapped at Josh's big body. Somehow, I feel like I should be the responsible one here that I have to understand Josh's mood swings. The pressure he gets in his job here is far more than ten times than my pressure so I understand if he's sometiumes mad or sometimes like this.

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