This Is Not Your Story

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                           Uhmm so yes , I have this plan but its not yet sure because its gonna be friggin long but I thought of making a prequel and a sequel of "Bed... Now!" and also a spin off , so its four books in total and it'll take me years! To complete the novel so I'm not really sure nor ready for it. But because I want you guys to know what really happened to Tuck and Adrian , cuz you know Adrian is just giving some hints of things that happened to his past and that ain't enough so maybe I can make a prequel and hopefully you guys will read it. And for the sequel I guess is about Josh and Adrian in a different level , I can't tell you yet but it'll come. So yea , I need your support cupcakes!


[Josh's P.O.V]

                          "You know the problem about you... You're scared to admit it." Tuck calmly said. As he sits on our comfy chair. Right now , me and Tuck are having a tea on our garden. I don't know why he's here , maybe some business with my dad that I don't care about. He looks at me with that calm facial expression while I sit here , trying my best to stop the urge of punching him. With that smile , it makes my feelings grow wild because of not seeing anything but happines. I'm not bitter its just that I don't get his point.

                          And by that I know I'm losing.

                          "Admit what?" I said , gaining myself some peace of mind. I took a sip of tea as I watch him closely. 

                          "You're scared. You don't trust him enough. You're thinking that by any second , he will leave you. Admit it , Adrian still has a feeling for me." I gagged , almost letting my tea slip out of my mouth. 

                          I laughed. "He did came back for me and you know it. You were there." I said. "You don't even wanna know what happened to the rest of the night." I smiled to myself, reminiscing the moments yesterday night. I saw Tuck 's face hardened a little bit but still , my words aren't enough. 

                          "Fun right? The feeling of being loved by the person you love. That's the most wonderful feeling. But too much is bad. Limits Josh. One day you may never know that spark you have may disappear. And that's gonna hurt all of us." He took a sip of his tea. I wish our maid put some poison in there. 

                          "What are you in his life anyways?" I asked. Because I am getting pissed at his big mouth. 

                          "That's not the right question for me. Let's turn this thing another way round. I should be the one who's suppose to be asking that. Who are you and what are you in his life? Because we have a history. You don't. I know him better than himself. You're nothing compare to us. This is not your silly love story Josh. And you know it. Its ours. And you're ruining it. You're the bad guy here. Don't you see?" With those words , I feel hurt.The jealousy bombarded my body. The thought of him with Tuck wonders on my mind , those happy moments they did together and those sweetest words they have said. Now it made me think.

                          I did ruin their story didn't I?

                          Tuck made me feel like a douche , like I was not belong.Self pity for short. And that's the last thing that I will feel , I'm not for it today. He looks at me and he observed my actions. I don't know what to say. I feel like I'm nothing. I feel lost. And I hated it. My pride is too much and I can't accept it. 

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