Wicked Way With You

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[Adrian's P.O.V]

                           Chad called me and he said he wants to see me. And I am doubting if I should come or not because I don't want to be suckeed in into this drama bombs again. Josh said if I want to make things out between me and Chad and if it will make me happy and contented then I was allowed to go.  After that depressing incident yesterday night , all of these has been a shock for me because despite of all the days I've spent in New York this is the first time I have encountered such things that I really don't want to. I was being judged because of my sexuality and I hate it because everyone is bisexual , its just that they don't get it. What is more shocking is that my boss who I fantazise everytime  proposed to me and that he's been thinking about me too which made me blush again. I am now his boyfriend and I was happy. I really am. Its been months when I always fantazised about Josh and when he proposed to me , I just want to explode with butterflies. I know I was so easy to get but who could have said no to a guy you met months ago and is really classy and gentle. Not to mention he is really hot. I saw him awhile ago topless and he's like photoshopped! He's muscles and abs and chest are all like inhuman. No one can really handle that hotness. And it was embarassing because I literally spoke out what's inside my head.  Then I saw the younger version of him which was Johnny who is like the Human Torch who is ten times naughtier than Josh. But he was very charming and I see that his relationship with Josh is just like those regular brothers. 

                           And there is one things that really made me happy this morning. Its that Johnny said that I was the reason of Josh's smiles and smirks and grins and I was so touched. Never thought that Adrian , who is so stupid and worthless , who is a perfect machine to ruin everything can make someone happy. Like really? Is this wonderland where everything can happen without someone stopping you? 

                           Everything was a shock for me and I really want to cool some things down a bit. Because I literally can't take it anymore. The drama , the love , the work and all the pressure. But I know there's my family to support me. I really miss them a lot. If I go to Kansas I want them to meet Josh. And I really want to know if Josh is the right person I love. You can't fast forward it but you can predict your future. Besides, I think he is. I think.  Everything seems so fast but you know that feeling when you see a person and you thought 'Hey wait. That person is for me.' And you think there's this fairytale thingy that you guys will live happily ever after? I know its corny but it is real. If you just believe it. So I can't wait for them to meet Josh. 

                           Here I was walking and thinking if I should give Chad another chance which of course I will. Because I don't really see Chad's true color and if that's his true nature then I can't do anything about it. I just have to deal with it.. Just like Josh but that's a different story. I really don't know a lot about them but at least I got them on my side. These two guys are starting to grow on me.

                           Chad wants to have an ice cream with me. He wants to talk about what happened yesterday. And I am freaking nervous right now. I am really not prepared of what I'm gonna say later when we meet at the park. I'm still mad at him because  he kicks me out of our apartment. Hey! I pay too you know! But most of all , I was mad at his friends. Specially that girl who threw my Captain America comic , leaving it to pieces. And those boys who called me a faggot.

                           I wonder what am I going to say if I finally meet Chad again. 

                           'Uhmm , Hey Chad... Why did you call me?'

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