Chapter 2

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*Jay's POV*

"I'll let you kick in the door." Erin smirked.
"What an honour." I kicked the door in.
"Chicago PD!" Erin led the way and I followed her with my gun at the ready.
"Watch out!" Shots came from a room from the left and I shot the man, he fell to the floor.
"You're alright?" I looked down to Erin and she nodded.
"Hank. The house is clear now. Jay shot one." Erin radioed.
"Copy that. We're coming in back, Lindsay." Upton said and a few moments later she and Burgess were with us.
"First day, shot the first one. Respect." Burgess looked down to the man.
"He's fitting the description of Maurice." Erin looked at him a bit closer.
"So your CI was right?" I didn't know what I was suppose to say.
"That is their job. They give us information and we don't arrest them." All of the three ladys gave me a confused look and I decided not to say anything else.

*Erin's POV*

"So you like him, do you?" Hailey asked me while we were sitting at Molly's that evening.
"What? No. We've been working for a day!" I felt myself blushing slowly.
"It's nothing wrong about it. He already saved your life and he isn't completely ugly tho." She grinned.
"Then you go and date him." I suggested.
"I'm all good. And besides he is your partner so why not?" She smirked at me and I buried my face in my glass.
"I also googled him, he was with the Rangers and has received quite a few medals." She looked me in the eye.
"Wait. He was in the army?" Now I was curious after all.
"Now you're interested, huh?" She smiled and than got up and it took me a second to relaise why she left.
"Is there a free place here?" Jay smiled at me and as I nodded he sat down.
"I heard that you guys always come here and I thought I would come too." He took a sip.
"Yeah. This place is owned by the guys from Firehouse 51 and we're like quite close." I explained the facts to him.
"That's cool I think." He looked over to the counter where Gabby was serving.
"Do you see that blond man over there?" I pointed Casey out.
"Yes?" He looked a bit confused.
"That's Lieutenant Matt Casey. Her boyfriend. You have to find someone else." I chuckled because I saw how fast and much he blushed.
"Well, I'm making a great first impression here, huh?" He smiled again.

*Jay's POV*

I would have loved to answer 'You have to find someone else' with 'like you', but I was certainly not in that position. And the way I behaved here she probably didn't like me anyway.
"So why are you Intelligence?" I tried to establish a normal conversation.
"Because of Voight." She answered me and I was a bit confused.
"He saw you at the academy and wanted you or what's the deal?" I cocked my head.
"It's a bit more complicated than that. He's kind of like my father. I mean not my birth father. He took me in when I was sixteen and ever since he was at my side and that's the reason I got the job." She said and I was happy that she seemed to trust me enough to say something quite private to me.
"And how did you come here?" I expected that question.
"Well. I was with the Rangers for a few years but ended that chapter of my life.
Since I'm trained to shoot people, it was always clear to me that if I survive the army, I want to go to the police. Voight saw me at the academy and then apparently decided he would like to have me in his unit." I was honest with her too.
"I'm glad that he decided to take you, Jay. Gotta go. See you tomorrow." She waved, got up and left. I stared after her until the door closed behind her.
"Let me give you one advise." Antonio approached me and I nearly jumped out of my chair because I didn't hear him coming.
"Voight doesn't like in-house-romance." He patted my shoulder and then left me alone again.
This unit did really stick together.

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