Chapter 64

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*Jay's POV*

Erin did just basically kick me out and I knew why she did it.
She was mad at me that I didn't protect her as promised.
I was the reason she wasn't pregnant anymore and if I were her I just would be hurt and pissed and everything.
And she gave me to understand that she was all of it.
"Hey Will. I'm gonna go home but can you call me when something changes with Erin?" I spotted my brother when I walked out.
"Sure. I can do that. But since when is it possible to separate you two?" He looked a bit confused.
"It's not like I want to leave her or something but she just made clear that she doesn't want me around and I don't mean to force myself even more on her than I did the last days. I mean you can see what I did." My vision got a bit blurry but I didn't want to cry in front of my brother so I swallowed my feelings.
"Jay that wasn't you. Nat talked to me and we agreed that this pregnancy wasn't going to happen the way it should. I wanted to call you after my shift because we wanted Erin to come in but guess we were too late." Will sighed and then quickly grabbed my arm before I could open my mouth.
"What is wrong with you? You knew she was going to have a miscarriage and you let her to?" I couldn't believe what my brother just told me.
"We didn't think it was that acute." He tried to defend himself.
"It is your job to keep people save. I can't believe you did this to Erin. That you did this to me." I looked at Will disapprovingly and then left, but instead of going home I went back to Erin because I didn't want to leave her alone with these doctors for a second longer.
"Jay!" Will grabbed my arm.
"Don't touch me." My voice was cold as steel and he let go of me immediately.

*Erin's POV*

"Erin?" Jay knocked at the door.
"Hey." I was ashamed of myself, but he didn't know how much it relieved me to see him.
"Do you mind?" He asked before sitting down.
I shook my head and he sat down.
As he sat down, I wrapped my arms around him and, amazingly, he put his around me too.
"I'm so sorry." He whispered and I looked up.
"What are you sorry for?" I couldn't imagine anything he could be sorry for.
"I made you loose our child and I can't believe how mad you must be at me." Jay had tears in his eyes.
"I'm not mad at you." My voice was trembling.
"I thought you would be mad at me because I didn't watch out enough and didn't listen to you to stay at home. And that I didn't told you about the bleedings." Jay put his arms around me tighter.
"No. Erin no. I'm not mad. If it came across like that, it was only because I didn't want to impose myself on you. I could never be mad at you. I was just so unbelievable worried to loose you." I had buried my face in his shirt but could tell from his voice that he was crying.
"You won't loose me. I'm here Jay and won't leave you." I looked up at him and he gave me a short smile, although a tear ran down his cheek.
"Believe me if I say this now, I couldn't stand losing you. And you don't know how reliefed I was when you woke up. Even if I still thought that you hated me then." Jay continued to smile and hugged me tighter again.

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