Chapter 62

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*Erin's POV*

Jay needed to promise me not to mention that we had been at the hospital.
"I know you're not that keen on me right now, but can I at least give you a hug?" Jay asked me and I nodded.
"Jay, I'm sorry I was so weird this morning. But I was just scared and when I started bleeding I just panicked and tried to keep you out of it but you then forced yourself ..." I didn't know how to say it.
"It's alright. I haven't been in the same situation and never will be but I can understand you. You have already had a miscarriage and are therefore simply afraid of having to go through it again. But I'm with you, okay? Whatever you need just tell me and I'll do it or get it for you." Jay put his arms closer around me, but I reached up so I could kiss him.
"Just please don't worry too much, okay? That would be the most important for me." I gave him a smile and then we walked inside.
What Jay didn't know was that I had been suffering from abdominal pain the whole time and it was getting worse, but I really didn't want to bother him with that and just tried to pretend that it wasn't there even if I knew it was stupid.
"Alright. Now that you guys are here aswell I need you to do a drive by. You can go with if you want, Erin." Hank offered me and apparently I couldn't say no because that would have been to obvious because everyone knew how much I loved the job.
"Of course. Can I go with Jay?" I asked and of course Hank allowed it.
"You got to be careful. Please." Jay's voice sounded really worried.
"I'm gonna be fine. Nat said it was okay." I said and Jay nodded.
When we got to the house my pain was really bad, but I wanted Jay to focus on the job and so I didn't say anything.
When I opened the door a man came running out, he pushed me away and since I was weaker than usual anyway he knocked me over and I landed on my belly.
My belly tightened and a sharp pain ran through my body.
"Jay. Help me." My voice was less than a whisper, but Jay was with me immediately, his face as white as a sheet.

*Jay's POV*

"Jay. Help me." Erin kept saying this but I could just hold her hand. She was having a miscarriage and I couldn't help her.
"10-01 Emergency. This is 5021 George. I need an ambulance to my location ASAP. And if this ambulance gets an escort to get here quickly, I don't care. My partner has a miscarriage and she will bleed to death if no paramedic comes here!" I yelled into my radio while tears were streaming down my face.
Erin's clothes were soaked in blood and she was wimnering in pain.
"You got to hold on. Please don't leave me." I held Erin's hand tightly but I doubted she was hearing me.
"Where is this ambulance!" I shouted again and a few moments later I could hear the sirens.
"Step away please." One of the medics took over my position at Erin's side.
"I can't leave her. I promised her not to leave her." I had tears in my eyes.
"Alright Sir. But you need to step back now." The medics apparently didn't care and it and I couldn't stop looking at Erin.
"Jay. Jay." Erin got conscious again for a second.
"I'm here babe. I got you." One of my tears dropped down onto her shirt.
I could see Voight and Hailey pulling up behind the ambulance but I just hopped in and drove off with them.
I saw the two black SUVs sit in front of the ambulance to clear the way.
"I really don't want to concern you even more but maybe you should consider to say goodbye." One paramedic grabbed my shoulder and gave me a long look.
When I looked at the monitors I saw that Erin's heart was beating slower and slower and her values were getting worse.
"Erin." My voice trembled when I said her name, but apparently I got through to her.
"I'm sorry. I love you." With the last of her strength, she grabbed my hand, squeezed it and then her heart stopped beating.

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