Chapter 76

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*Jay's POV*

When I looked over at Erin I could see that she was trying to deal with her feelings alone as she did usual.
"Erin. I don't know how to help you right now but I can tell you out of experience that it helps if you talk about it." I didn't touch Erin and she didn't look at me.
"You don't need to worry. I'm fine." She stayed concentrated on the street and I didn't ask any more.
I knew she was lying, but what should I do if she didn't want to talk about it now.

*Erin's POV*

"Erin what was that out there? Why did you announce that you are police? As far as I heard evrthing was going good." Hank was in front of me as soon as Jay and I got up the stairs.
"This guy, Mike. He knew me and did blow our cover already so I decided to end it before things get even more out of hand. Didn't want to expose Kim to unnecessary danger." I tried to stay relaxed.
Hank rolled his eyes and mentioned me to follow him into his office.
"The truth. Now. How do you know him?" Hank had leaned against his desk and after I closed the door behind me and took a deep breath I started talking.
"Do you rember that night when I was sixteen? It was just a few weeks after you took me in. I was at that club with some friends and some guy had mixed me something into a drink so he could..." I needed to stop for a second to calm down again because I didn't want to cry in front of him and Hank waited till I was ready to talk again.
"That guy, his name is Mike is the guy that walked up to Burgess and me today. When I saw him and he said my name... it was just too much. I know I have to stay profesional and you know that I usually can but seeing him after all this time. I just wouldn't have been able to maintain my undercover profile and I didn't want to involve Kim." I looked into the bullpen and my eyes locked with Jay's for a short time before I looked back at Hank.
"So he is he guy that raped you?" He summed up my drivel and I nodded.
"Alright. You're off the case and I'm calling Dr Charles now because I want you to talk to him." Hank layed a hand on my shoulder and it took me alot of strength to exept it not to withdraw from his touch.
When Hank realized how uncomfortable his touch was, he let go of me.
"Shall I let Halstead take off to go with you?" Hank asked me before I left his office.
"No. I think I need some time alone." He nodded in agreement and then I went to my desk to get my things.
"Where you're going?" Jay got up.
"Seeing Dr Charles." I just didn't want to talk to Jay.
"I'll drive you." He said and was about to follow me to the parking lot.
"No." My voice was louder and sharper than I intended and everyone was looking at us.
"There is no need for that, Jay. I know you mean well, but I just need a little time to myself. I'm sorry." I touched his shoulder for a second before I was on my way to Med.

*Jay's POV*

Erin left the bullpen and everyone kept looking at me.
"You guys alright?" Hailey asked after a while.
"Yes. Fine. Why you're asking?" I raised an eyebrow and then walked down to the cage because I had to deal with someone down there.
"Hello there." I immediately unlocked the door.
"Am I finally allowed to go? Thank god." Mike got up, but I pressed him back onto the bench.
"What the hell, man?" Mike looked at me in disbelief.
"I still have some reckoning to do with you for what you did to Erin back then." My first punch hit him totally unprepared in the stomach.
"You guys are married, huh? She probably won't let you sleep with her and now you've finally found someone to blame." Mike laughed and I broke his nose.
"Ouh she was good. So young and innocent." He seemed really enjoying it and his comments only made me strike harder.
"Is that all you got? No wonder she doesn't want you. Probably wouldn't last a minute." His teeth were bloody, but he didn't stop commenting.
Hearing someone coming down the stairs, I gave them one last punch that knocked him unconscious.
"Jay. What the hell?" Hailey looked shocked at me.
"He tried to grab my gun." I shrugged my shoulders and left.

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