Chapter 80

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*Jay's POV*

"Ready?" I looked at Hailey who was standing next to me and when she nodded I kicked the door in.
"Chicago PD!" Hailey went in first and I did right after her.
"Do not move." I saw movement in the living room.
A man slowly came out with his hands raised.
"What are you doing in my house?" He looked at me totally confused.
"Well we expect a abducted family in this house." As soon as I said that he ran.
"Adam runner coming your way!" I didn't chase after him because Adam and Kevin were at the back door.
"Where in such a hurry? I don't remember we have a date." Adam held the sleeve of the man's arm and smirked.
"Let go of me!" The man reached out and tried to hit Adam.
"God damn it. That's enough." Kevin took over and got him in the car to drive him to the district.
"Quiet everyone!" I was sure I had just heard someone.
After everyone stopped what they were doing, I heard the noises more clearly.
"Step back, would you." I looked at Upton and she stepped off the carpet we were both standing on.
I also stepped down and then picked him up.
"Guys we got a basement here." There was a flap in the floor beneath the carpet.
"Hello? Anyone in here?" I had opened it but couldn't see anything because it was too dark.
"Help us!" I heard a woman's hysterical voice.
"Please keep calm. I'm Detective Jay Halstead and I'm with the Chicago Police Department. I'm gonna come down to get you out now." I squeezed through the hatch and climbed down the small wooden ladder.
"Over here." I saw movement to my right and then recognized mother and daughter in the dark.
"You guys tied up?" I asked and as they nodded I took out a little knife and cut them loose.
"Let's get you out of here." I lifted the girl out of the hatch and Antonio took her because the room wasn't very high and I had to hunch over to walk anyway. The mother climbed the ladder alone.

*Erin's POV*

"Steve McCoy. Tell me, where do you got the idea to kidnap those two?" I leaned across the table and looked at him.
"I didn't kidnap them!" He tried to defend himself.
"Then why'd you run?" I raised an eyebrow.
"You weren't there. There is no way you have seen me running." McCoy looked a little confused.
"That's true. But you just told me you'd run. So why did you?" He realized himself that he had just made a mistake.
"I mean who would run when the police kicks in your door and accuses you two have kidnapped someone." But apparently he was still sticking to his theory of innocence.
"Honestly, if you tell me now that it was you, then maybe I can talk to the prosecutor and you will get a lighter sentence. But I order for that to work you need to tell me that full story." I sat down on the chair.
"It wasn't my plan, okay? I didn't want for this to happen but someone I owed money to said that if I would kidnap those two I didn't need to pay him back and I'm a little short of cash right now, so it was convenient not to have to pay the money back." Steve shrugged his shoulders.
"So you rather kidnap someone than paying off what you borrowed?" Sometimes I really did lose faith in humanity.
"It's not like I did something to them." Steve looked a bit confused why I was mad.
"Of course not. You just kidnapped them and had them in your basement. God damn it man, the kid is twelve. Don't you think that she's gonna be traumatised for the rest of her life? And what were you going to do with both of them anyway? Couldn't have left them in your basement forever." I rolled my eyes.
"Someone wanted to come by to take them this evening. Take them somewhere nicer, you know." Steve seems to really believe that.
"Let me tell you something. If you kidnap someone you don't take them to a nicer place like a spa or something. The person that would have come would have killed them. I can't believe how gullible some people are." I got up and left the interrogation room.

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