Chapter 67

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*Jay's POV*

We just came back from a walk with Niran and Erin was about to give him a bath.
"I'm gonna go and make you some tea." I kissed Erin quickly and then walked into the kitchen.
Niran seemed to be pleased with the bath because I heard him laughing and squeaking.
"You know that you guys make pretty much similar spounds?" I asked Erin when she walked out of the bathroom with Niran on her arm.
She didn't know what I was talking about and just gave me a confused look.
"On different occasions, of course, but you're making pretty much the same sounds when we're in bed." For saying that I got a wet towel on my head and then Erin took Niran up to his room, because at this time he usually went to bed.
"Where's my promised tea?" A few minutes later Erin came down the stairs again.
"Here you go." I handed her a cup of blood orange tea.
We sat down on the couch together and look outside.
Since it had rained often in the last few days, as it was now, the thought of sitting here with Erin in the warm was even better.
"You know. We haven't had time to really test out the bed yet." Erin turned to me.
"You're right. And what was your idea of really testing it?" I smirked down at her.
"Well. Let me just show you." Erin took my hand and brought me upstairs.

*Erin's POV*

"Definitely a good choice to take this one." I was in Jay's arms.
"Yes. In contrast, the old one really left a lot to be desired." Jay started kissing me all over because he knew how ticklish I was and apparently found it fun to take advantage of it.
"Make that sound again." Jay looked up to me.
"What sound?" I asked him out of breath.
"The one you just made. I like when you make make that sound." Jay came up a bit and kissed my lips.
After pausing for a moment, I gave him a choice of sounds, but he didn't seem satisfied, so he started tickling me again until I had apparently made the desired sound again and Jay was satisfied.
"Voight told me that you want to come to work today?" Jay propped himself up on his elbows and looked at me.
"Yes. Do you have a problem with it?" I didn't really got why he wasn't happy for me.
"It's just then you'll be around me more." Jay bit his lower lip thoughtfully.
"And that's a problem why exactly?" Apparently it occurred to him that I wasn't telepathic predisposed so he explained to me.
"You lost both kids because of me. First to a man from my ranger time and then I couldn't protect you from this guy running you over." Jay's voice got louder and louder.
"Do you mind keeping it down? Niran is sleeping right next to us." I looked at him intently and he nodded.
"It's not like you planned on me losing my babys. So it is not really your fault. Both times it was just gruesome and fateful timing." I blinked away the tears that had gathered in my eyes because I didn't want to cry now.
"But it was related to me." Jay's face looked almost petrified because I didn't see any facial expressions.
"If it helps, I can tell you again that I don't blame you for what happened." It took him a few moments before he answered.
"But I blame myself!" I flinched when he spoke so loudly, but Jay didn't even seem to notice.
I heard screaming from the room next to us and when Jay got up I first thought he went to look for Niran, but I only heard the front door slam and shortly afterwards how Jay turned on his PickUp and drove away.
"Hey bud." Niran fell silent when I opened the door.
"Daddy is little upset, you know. But I think he won't be back for a while so you can go back to sleep if you want to." Niran sucked his thumb for a while, but then fell asleep again quickly.
After I was sure he was asleep I went down to the kitchen and made myself some tea because I still couldn't get over what had just happened.
Actually everything was fine, we had fun and then it was as if someone had flipped a switch.

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