Chapter 84

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*Erin's POV*

Jay was driving and I was sitting quitly next to him because I didn't know what to say after I cried for basically no reason in front of him.
"Back to the district or shall I take you home?" Jay asked and broke the silence.
"District." I just said this one word and Jay didn't answer me, just nodded.
"Good that you two are back, what did the doctor say?" Hank was waiting for us at the stairs.
"Deskduty. I shouldn't get hit on my nose again." Hank nodded when Jay said that.
"I don't like being two Detectives shirt out in the field but I guess I can't change it." He shrugged his shoulders.
"At least you don't have to stay at the district alone anymore." Jay put his arms around me and I leaned against his chest.
"True. Jay I'm sorry for what I did earlier at the hospital." I looked up to him.
"Don't think about it anymore. It's fine. You were just worried and a little emotional unstable because of the baby." Jay kissed my heand and I relaxed a bit.
"A 10-01 just got called. Shall we help?" Hailey came up the stairs.
"Yeah. Vest up." Hank ordered and Jay and I stayed at the bullpen.
"So this is what you're doing all day?" Jay was sitting in his chair with his legs on the desk.
"Pretty much. But I sometimes worry about you, you know." I looked over at Jay and something in his faces had changed.
"Erin. I know this sounds weird but you really don't need to worry about me that much." Jay came over to me.
"It's easy for you to say, I just sit here all day at the district and nothing can happen to me." My feelings were going crazy again, on the one hand I was glad that Jay told me that nothing would happen to him, but on the other hand I was angry because he promised me something he couldn't control.
"I worry about you every time you leave my field of view." Jay put his arms around me and I placed my head at his shoulder because I wanted to enjoy every moment that he was close to me.
"That's nice to know but it doesn't change that fact that you promise me things you can't control." I looked up to him and a tear ran down my face even if I didn't feel like crying again.
"I know. Guess you're too smart to say something like that. But since I know you're pregnant again I've really been looking out." Jay wiped my tear away.
"But you got into a fight with this guy anyways." I looked up to him.
"Not really. I was about to handcuff him when my phone went off and I thought it was you having a problem. That's why I lost the focus on him for a second and he used his chance and hit me." Jay blushed a little, but I saw a smile play on his lips.
"You care so much that you'd rather be hit?" It was always something special to me when I relaised how much I ment to him.
"Kidding me? Of course. If you had a problem, I would have let him go and come to you, I don't care what Voight thinks of it. You always go first." I put my hands on the back of his neck and pulled his head down towards me.
"Just by the way. I love you." I said before our lips met.
Jay didn't have the time to give me a proper answer but the way he kissed me was more than he could express in words.

𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝑾𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝑳𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 | ✔Where stories live. Discover now