Chapter 77

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*Erin's POV*

"Hello Detective." Dr Charles greeted me when I walked towards him.
"Not much smalltalk please. I just want to get over this so Hank let's me back to work." The doctor nodded and brought me to his office.
"In my job I mostly listen and sometimes make a more or less smart comment. So tell me and I'll listen." Dr Charles crossed his legs and leaned back.
After I gathered myself I started talking.
He didn't interrupt me and that was the moment I relasied how much I needed this.
"Thank you." I said after saying everything that was on my mind.
"You're welcome. My door is always open to you." Charles gave me a brief smile and then I drove back home because I really wanted to talk to Jay.
"Jay?" I unlocked the door and knew he was home because his car was in the driveway.
"Kitchen." He called out and I walked into the kitchen.
First thing I did when I was next to him was hugging him.
"Someone's feeling better." Jay looked surprised but happy.
"Yes. Talking helped." I put my hand on the back of Jay's head and pulled him down to kiss him.
"Jay I'm sorry for how I acted towards you. You had nothing to do with it and I acted like an idiot." Jay cocked his head and smiled at me.
"I'm not mad at you. Just happy that you found a way to deal with it." Jay kissed me again.
"Sure?" I asked because I really didn't want something to destroy our relationship right now.
"Yes. It's fine." Jay nodded.
"What happened to your knuckles?" Jay had grabbed my hand and now I saw that his knuckles were a bit bloody.
"I had a talk with Mike." Jay shrugged his shoulders.
"You just said you were okay with it." I raised an eyebrow.
"I am okay with you. Like hundret percent. But I'm not fine with him and he needed to pay for what he did to you." Jay looked at me and I didn't know what to make of him beating up people for me.
"Maybe you should stop putting yourself in situations like this. You didn't suffer any consequences from the thing with Rankin, but you should be a little more careful. At least if you don't want to loose your job." I said and he slightly nodded his head.
"But one word and I punch everyone for you." Jay offered.
"I feel flattered." I gave him a smirk and then started to make some dinner.

*Jay's POV*

"Hey buddy." The sitter had just brought Niran home and I had him in my arms.
"Ball!" Niran pointed at the blue ball I bought him a few weeks ago.
Both Erin and I looked at him.
"He said his first word!" Erin looked at our son in amazement.
"Yes he did." I smiled at Niran and he seemed a little confused as to why we were so happy.
"Alright big guy. Ready for dinner?" Erin and asked and Niran looked at his little plate with the pasta.
I put him in his baby chair and helped him with the pasta before I ate my own.
"He's going up so fast." After dinner, Erin cleaned Niran up while I put the dishes away.
"Yeah." I looked at both of them.
"Jay I want another baby." Erin turned around and our eyes locked.
"I know you do and so do I." I wasn't quite sure why she was telling me this as I knew already.
"No I mean like right now. We've been trying for quite a while now and what if we aren't able to get another one?" Erin's mood had switched.
"We will." I couldn't promise her that she would have another baby, but I hadn't been negligent lately about giving her one.

𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝑾𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝑳𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 | ✔Where stories live. Discover now