Chapter 13

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*Erin's POV*

I hadn't been at work in three days and Hank had called me several times.
"I get that you are mad at me. But this is your job, Erin. You can't just avoid me by not coming in." Was the last message he left for me.
Jay had slept a lot the last few days and I had excluded him a bit from my life. So I sat alone in my apartment with several beer bottles on the table.
When I heard a knock at the door I grabbed my gun and went to open.
It was Hank, he had just let himself in.
"Have you been drinking?" Judging by his face, you could clearly see that he already knew the answer, so I just put my gun back on the table and took another sip.
"You gotta stop this right here. And just so you know. Jay called me because you didn't answer his messages and he got a bit concerned. Since he can't come himself, I'm there." He pulled the curtains and opened the windows.
"I'm good." I continued to ignore him.
"The only thing you are is drunk. Damn it, Erin. I thought we were through with that." He reminded me of the time when I moved in with him.
"I'm an adult so you don't need to look out for me. Besides your not my father or something so you don't need to do anything for me at all." With that sentence I hit a sore point with him. If I were sober I would never have said that.
"Please excuse me when I ask, I seem to have amnesia. But if I remember correctly, I was more of a father to you than you ever had one. And please also excuse me for damn well taking care of you!" His voice got louder and louder, but in the end he stood in front of me and yelled at me.
"Apparently you did your job as my father, not very well!" I emphasized the word father in a special way and his face turned red.
"I really don't care what you think of me and the way I raised you. But I can tell you one thing, Lady, if you don't pull yourself together, you'll be rid of your job." I wanted to get up and leave, but then it occurred to me that we were in my apartment.
"Get out." My voice was numb.
"This is not the way to deal with problems. You can't just run away from everything." He tried to talk to me.
"Get out." I didn't respond to what he said, just repeated myself.
"Alright." He walked out of the door and closed it behind him.
As soon as the door was closed I threw a bottle at it because I was just so angry.

*Jay's POV*

Since neither Voight nor Erin had contacted me, I took one more pain pill than I should, got into my car and drove to her apartment.
"Erin?" I opened the door and then stepped on broken glass.
"Erin? You're home?" The smell of alcohol hit me as I pushed the door open.
Still nobody answered me so I made my way through all her rooms till I found her laying across her bed.
"Ey." I shook her shoulder and she made a disturbed sound. Since I now knew that she was still alive, whatever the circumstances, I left her lying there and began to tidy up because her apartment was in dire need and she was apparently unable to do so herself.
I took a large sack and collected all the bottles from the surfaces, then I collected the glass, which caused me considerable pain, and then wiped the door that was dripping off.
After about three quarters of an hour the apartment was clean again.
I was so free to sit on the couch because my chest hurt and wiped the sweat from my forehead. When I looked down I saw blood coming through the bandage. The wound must have opened a bit.
"Jay?" Erin stood swaying behind me.
"Hey." My voice was low and I tried not to show that I was in pain, but her eyes fell directly on my bandage.
"Damn it. What did you do?" She ran into the bathroom to look for new bandages.
"Cleaned your apartment! You can pay for it by spending a night with me!" I called after her.
She came back without saying a word and than started to change my bandage. She stayed quite the whole time.
"We should just stop." Erin broke the silence.
"Stop what?" I had a very bad feeling, but I didn't want it to be true.
"Us." You could tell how difficult it was for her to say that word.
"There is no reason to do that. We're good together. And we'll fix that thing with Voight." I try to find words that change their minds.
"Hank isn't the problem. We're just not good for each other. No sooner are we together than you are shot. I get drunk and argue with Hank about unnecessary things and then you have to clean up after me and risk your health again." She sighed.
"I'd risk my life for you anytime again. Whether we're dating or not. And my love for you is not going to stop just because I clean something. I can deal with it." I took her face in my hand and forced her to look at me.
"What if I can't see you getting shot because of me? What if I can't have you cleaning up behind me? What if it is just to much for me? I love you with all of my heart. But I don't want you to have to go through." Her eyes overflowed and a tear fell on my hand.
"We'll find a way, okay?" I sat down so she could rest her head on my shoulder and stroked her back until she had calmed down a bit.
"I love you so much that my heart hurts when you're not with me." I whispered to her.
"What did I do to deserve you?" She turned her head and our lips met.

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