Chapter 78

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*Jay's POV*

"Could you please stop it?" I heard Erin laughing and then I saw her standing in the bullpen with the rest of the unit.
"Ouh finally the other half of the bet has arrived." Adam said and grinned.
"What bet?" I raised an eyebrow and stood next to Erin.
"They started betting on the pregnancy." Erin looked up to me and rolled her eyes.
"What?" I looked confused at Adam who just shrugged his shoulders and looked like it wasn't his idea.
"Seriously who came up with this?" Nobody said anything, but Erin tapped my shoulder.
"Actually I did." Erin gave me a wry smile.
My gaze must have spoken volumes, because Erin looked a little dejected.
"Hey don't worry it's fine." I kissed the top of her head.
"Someone out of the game already?" I looked around.
"Yes. But Kim won." It took me a moment to relaise what that ment.
"Wait. If she won then..." A huge smiled slowly made it's way onto my face and Erin nodded.
I picked Erin up and kissed her.
"Congratulations you two." The whole unit congratulated us.
"Did you already knew that you're pregnant when you told me last week that you really wanted a baby?" I asked her and she shook her head.
"I found out two days ago and was trying to find a way to tell you without just telling you." Erin bit her lower lip.
"And since you came to the unit five years ago today, I wanted to wait until today to tell you." I just was so happy about that news.
"Best thing you could have told me." I layed my arms around her and missed her again.
"I don't want to interrupt you two here but Jay I need you to talk to somebody." Voight stepped closer to us.
"Sure. What shall I do?" I didn't like it, but I let go of Erin.
"We got a ex ranger downstairs. His plane back landed at the airport yesterday and when he got home his family was no longer there and only a note. So I was hoping that maybe you have heard about people hijacking soldiers families for what they did." Voight walked down the stairs with me.
"I haven't heard anything directly, but I'll ask." I nodded to Voight and then went into the room where the man was waiting for me.
"Hey. I'm Detective Jay Halstead. 3rd Class Army Ranger." I introduced myself.
"Ben Mitchell." The man got up and shook my hand.
"Thanks for taking the time to talk to me, Mr Halstead." Ben looked a bit restless, which of course was understandable.
"Just Jay. And don't worry about time. I'll take all the time I need to solve this case." I offered him a chair and he sat down.
"My family means everything to me. While I was overseas the thought about them brought me trough all of it. But I don't need to tell you how it is." Ben ran a hand through his hair.
"Thinking about the people that are safe at home, the people that you are doing this for, to give them a safe place to live. Yeah. I know exactly how it feels." I nodded.
"Mr Halstead, Jay, I can't lose them." Mitchell stood up immediately when the door opened.
"Jay I think we got something." Erin leaned into the room.
"I'll be right there." Our eyes had brief contact and then Erin buzzed up.
"You're wife?" Ben looked at me.
"What?" I turned around.
"Please excuse me, Sir. I didn't mean to offend you." Mitchell bowed his head.
"You didn't. I just did not know that it was that obvious." I smiled at him and then I went upstairs.

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