Chapter 81

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*Jay's POV*

"Did he say something?" I was sitting on Erin's desk when she came from the interrogation rooms.
"Yeah. He confessed to kidnap the two but he definitely isn't the smartest one and that was never his idea. But he also said he did it for someone he owes money to." Erin sat down at her desk and looked at me.
"He didn't happen to know the name of the person?" Antonio asked from the desk next to Erin's.
"No. He said he didn't even ask for a name but it was a guy." Erin rolled her eyes.
"Great. So the family need to stay at the district because if the real genius behind this is still out there and now probably mad that they got away he'll go after them.
"Well no. No newspaper wrote about the kidnapping and thus also not about the liberation. My new friend told me that someone was supposed to come this afternoon to pick up mother and daughter." Erin looked at me and we had the same thought so I finished her sentence.
"So someone's gonna pose as them and we'll take him down." The rest of the unit seemed to like that idea.
Erin got up and walked into Hank's office, from which she came out again after a short time with a big smile on her face.
"Just found our new mother. Now we need a daughter." Said Hank and my face must have spoken volumes.
"Jay it's alright. I'm gonna wear a vest and you'll be around me all the time." Erin tried to make the situation palatable for me.
"I'm not gonna say anything because you wouldn't like it. But please be careful." I pulled Erin up to me and kissed her.
"Like always." She smirked and then went to vest up.
"My daughters gonna take the roll of the twelve year old kid. She's with me today and I guess this is more fun than sitting at home." Antonio announced.

*Erin's POV*

A short time after we were all at an alley behind the house.
"You'll go in back entry. It's about 11am now so I hope we have the time to get situated. As soon as we see something out here, we will let you know." Hank said and then Eva, Jay, Adam, and I entered the house.
"If anything feels wrong just say it and we'll get you out." Jay tried to give me safety he needed more than I did.
"Of course." I patted his shoulder and then went down with Eva.
"Why is he so concerned? Is it your first time doing something like this?" Eva seemed like she changed her mind about wanting to be here.
"No. I'm experienced with stuff like this. Don't worry. It's just that I'm pregnant and he's the father and that makes him concerned." I explained to her and she nodded.
Then we made ourselves comfortable because we didn't know when our man would show up.
"How long have we been down here now?" I said through my wire after it felt like an eternity.
"For about two hours now. But quite now because someone is about to enter the house." Hailey said and I didn't answer her because I heard the carpet getting moved.
"Just don't talk and stay behind me." I whispered towards Eva and she nodded.
"Are you here to safe us?" I tried to make my voice sound as scared as possible.
"Yes. I'm a police officer. And I will come down now so don't be scared." A tall, blond man came down the stairs.
"You need to help us, this crazy guy took us away from home." I hoped he would buy what I was saying because he had a gun in his belt.
We had agreed beforehand that I should say the word 'bread' when he had a gun.
"This man didn't even give us a slice of bread." Eva nodded to underline my story.
"Ouh you poor peop..." The man paused in mid-sentence when Jay held a gun to the back of his head.
"Do not." I also drew a gun when I saw that he let his hand move to his gun.
"She a cop aswell?" The man looked at Eva but she just shrugged her shoulders because I told her not to talk because I didn't want anyone to know who she was and maybe pick her up somewhere to get revenge.
"Enough smalltalk. We're talking prison here so up we go." Adam took the man with him.
"You guys alright?" Jay checked out Eva first and then she climbed up the stairs towards her father.
Jay turned to me now, his voice sounding worried.
"Anything you need?" He looked me straight in the eye.
"No. All good. Jay I'm just at the beginning of my pregnancy. It's not like I'm about to pop." I gave him a hug anyway because I because during my pregnancy I always had an increased need for being close to Jay.
"I'm sorry, I was just worried about you." Jay put his arms around me and kissed me on the head.

𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝑾𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝑳𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 | ✔Where stories live. Discover now