Chapter 33

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*Erin's POV*

I actually had a day off, but I drove to the district because I couldn't sit at home.
"Lindsay?" Trudy gave me a confused look.
"I still have some old cases to work on." I buzzed up and sat down on my desk.
I supported my head with my hands and asked myself how the situation could have escalated like this. Yesterday Jay gave me a ring and today I wasn't allowed to touch him.
I was also shocked that Lukas was suddenly at our apartment and didn't want to imagine what it had done with Jay.
When I looked at my watch I noticed that it was almost 11pm. The day had passed me by really faster than I noticed.
For a second I considered to go back home because probably Jay would need some help to sleep tonight but I wanted to give him some space aswell so I just decided to sleep at my desk.
"Erin?" Someone shook my shoulder and scared me a little.
As I looked around I saw Hailey standing next to me and the whole unit around me.
I looked out of the window to a bright blue sky.
"Morning already?" I had barely been able to sleep last night thinking about Jay.
"Yes. We've been here for about an hour but wanted to let you sleep." Burgess stepped closer and then her eyes fell on my hand.
"Oh My God. Erin Lindsay! Is that an engagement ring?" Everyone came closer and I raised my hand so they could see the ring.
"Guess it is." I blushed a bit because everyone was looking at me as if i were an attraction.
"How can you sleep here and not be with your fiancé?” Hailey looked at me reproachfully and I didn't know what to say because it couldn't be the truth.
"It was my fault. I had her come in late to work a case for me." Hank joined them and I gave him a grateful look.
"Could you come into my office real quick?" After nodding, I followed Hank.
"Jay was suppose to come in today. Given the circumstances I think he won't come. What do you think?" I actually wasn't sure.
"He'll try to come." Jay Halstead wasn't someone who made empty promises. If he could he would come and it was like that.
He was two hours late, but at 10am he slowly came up the stairs.
"Erin? Can we talk?" Was the first thing he said and I immediately got up and followed him into the locker room.
"You're alright?" He looked terrible and I knew he slept less than me.
"Been better. But better than yesterday. I wanted to apologize to you for what I said yesterday. I didn't mean it that way and I hope you can forgive me again." He looked at me lovingly.
"Of course. I will always forgive you for anything." When he saw that I hesitated, he hugged me.
"I love you." He whispered into my ear and then we walked back to the unit.
"Since everyone is here now. First; Welcome back, Halstead." Everyone greeted Jay and he even gave them a smile.
"Second, I need you, Erin, to go undercover. There is a club that is illegally dealed and either the dealer likes to kill people, or he gets the cut wrong every time because his stuff kills a lot of people." Said Hank and I nodded in agreement.
I went downstairs to get other clothes, a small hidden camera and a wire.
"Can you take that for me?" It was a strange feeling giving Jay the ring back, but I didn't want to leave it on so it wouldn't get damaged and nobody would see I was engaged.
"But you're gonna but it back on, or do I have to find someone else?" Jay joked and I was glad that he seemed to be feeling better.
"If I die than look for someone new. Otherwise I would like to have it back." I smiled at him.
"Well then, kiss him goodbye because I don't know how long you won't see each other." Hank was already standing in front of the observation van.
"Promise to come back to me?" Jay looked down to me.
"Promise." I pulled his head down to me and kissed him passionately.
"You should kiss him, not swallow him." I heard Hank say and it made us stop.
"Good luck." Was the last I heard from Jay and then I got in my car and drove to the club.
The Dark Hole Club didn't sound like I wanted to go in but I needed to so I pushed the door open and walked over to the bar.
As soon as I sat down, I was chatted up by several men, I let them talk to me, but quickly stopped their attempts to put their hand under my dress, since I already knew what would happen I attached a needle to my dress, which they all reached into.
Then I saw the man I was looking for. All I knew about him was that his name was Lil G.
"Ey Lil G!" I put everything on one card and called him across the club. Apparently he heard me because he was walking towards me.
"Never seen you before. What's your name?" He nodded to me and sat down next to me.
"My name's Zoe." Apparently he seemed to believe me because he called a waitress over. When I saw her face I froze.

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