Chapter 69

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*Jay's POV*

Erin and I stayed behind after the unit drove back to the district.
"What?" Erin stood in front of me with crossed arms and looked reproachful.
"Are you kidding me? You yelled at me last night for no reason or at least for non I could understand. Then you left me without explanation and today I find you drunk in a bar with a gun at your head? What is going on with you?" Erin's voice got louder and louder and people looked at us.
"Not here." I grabbed her arm and brought her to my car.
"Ouh you're not gonna drive." Erin took the keys from my hand.
"Fine. But can we at least talk inside the car?" I asked and Erin nodded.
"So. Please tell me. What's going on with you?" Erin looked a bit concerned and I knew that I needed to tell her the whole truth or I would never do it.
"I just blame myself because I know that you lost the babys because of me. I know you've already told me you don't see it that way, but I just can't help it. And when you started talking about it it just was too much and I'm unbelievable sorry for yelling at you like that. You didn't deserve nor will you ever deserve to be treated like that." I looked at Erin and saw that she sympathized with me.
"But why didn't you say something?" She grabbed my hand.
"I couldn't. Guess there is a thing as being to proud to admit to something like this." I didn't want to appear weak in front of Erin.
"You don't have to pretend to be fine in front of me and don't be ashamed of having feelings. It's not like I don't sometimes have problems to think about it but everytime I see you or I'm around you I feel good because I know that I can be me in front of you and don't have to pretend anything. And Jay I really want you to know that you can just be you in front of me. With all the feelings that comes with." Erin leaned forward, kissed me, then grimaced because I apparently tasted like alcohol.
"Sorry." A smirk appeared on my face.
"It's fine. Just let me drive because we should definitely go to the district." Erin put the key in the ignition and drove off.

*Erin's POV*

As we arrived at the district Jay got called into Hank's office immediately.
I felt a bit bad for him because Hank looked really mad but I couldn't help him and so I just made a coffee for him he could drink afterwards.
They talked about being at a bar instead of work and how much Jay made us worry because of the hostage taking.
Jay tried to defend himself but gave up quite quickly and then came meekly from Hank's office.
"Here you go." I handed him a mug but he didn't want it.
"Voight sent me home because he since he can't use me when I've been drinking." Jay then walked down the stairs and I sat down at my desk.
"10-01. Shots fired at the police." Our radios went off and Adam grabbed it to get to know the location.
"50-21 Ida. My unit and I will respond to the 10-01." He radioed and we drove to the location.
"50-21 Henry on the scene with the 10-01 we're going in now." The house we were standing for looked like a normal family home.
"Copy that 50-21 Henry." Dispatch answered and then we moved towards the door.
"Chicago PD!" Kevin kicked the door in and we all came inside.
"Stairs!" Burgess called out and Adam went to cover her.
"Got a basement!" I said and then walked down the stairs.
What I saw there still shocked me after my many years in the service.
"50-21 Lincoln roll the crime lab to our location." Both squad officers were laying there. Each a bullet in their head.
As I turned a corner I saw a little boy gasping for air. He was covered in blood and I instantly kneeled down next to him.
"50-21 Lincoln. Emergency. Get me an ambulance to my location ASAP. I got a tender age boy with two GSW into the chest." Footsteps rumbled down the stairs and it was Antonio.
I had the boy's head laying on my legs and I tried to calm him down so he could breath more easily.
A short time later he took his last painful breath and then closed his eyes one last time.
"This is 50-21 Frank. You can cancel that ambulance." Antonio radioed and got an answer.
"Erin he's gone." My hand hadn't stopped stroking the boy's head and tears rolled down my cheek, but then I carefully got up and laid him gently on the floor.
"I know." I wiped away the tears as Voight and the rest of the unit came downstairs.

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