Chapter 1: Tour To Africa

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A few months later

Leon's (POV)
A lot happened during the past 3 months , including a few changes in relationship statuses. The guys and I were having a quick meeting at the airport in one of the private lounges. We were talking about the African tour when Violetta came to me with Lia.

Violetta: Sorry to interrupt, but I need to use the bathroom. Could you please take Lia for me for a moment love.

Leon: I'm in a meeting, why can't you ask Emma or any of the girls?

Violetta: Obviously, that was my first option, but Emma is taking care of Liam and Lia only wants her daddy. She refused everyone else.

Leon: Fine, come to daddy!

I took Lia and she put her tiny arms around my neck.

Maxi: Okay, so as we were saying. We need to plan another rehearsal before the first show tomorrow night.

Federico: Yeah, but we need to make sure it will accommodate Leon.

Leon: Don't worry about me and the kids, I can adapt.

Andres: Are we going to the stadium to rehearse?

Diego: Since it's the first show tomorrow evening... I was thinking that maybe if we're not too tired, we can rehearse in the morning for an hour before the dress rehearsal. I have some friends in Morocco, so they can help us out with the rehearsal space.

Violetta came back from the bathroom to take Lia back.

Leon: Lia, go back to mommy now please.

Lia started crying loudly, so I stood up and calmed her down.

Violetta: Seems you're her favourite today.

Leon: Guys, I'm sorry about this. I think Diego's idea is great, take a vote and let me know what the group decides.

I left with Lia and Violetta and we went to where Liam and the girls were sitting. Liam was sleeping in his stroller when we got there.

Emma: Mrs Violetta, he fell asleep after you went to get the present.

Violetta: Umm...

Leon: What present? Did you lie about going to the bathroom?

Violetta: I did go to the bathroom.

Leon: Please don't tell me you forgot that it's our 1-year wedding anniversary tomorrow and you bought a present from one of the stores here at the airport.

Violetta: Do you really think that shallow of me?

Leon: I know you my love, and I know you forgot.

Violetta: I didn't forget.

Girls: She forgot!

I laughed as they all shouted in unison. Violetta was mad at them for throwing her under the bus.

Violetta: I thought you were all my friends!

Francesca: He already knew Vilu.

Naty: And plus, it's not good to lie to your husband.

Leon: Thank you Naty, you're exactly right.

Violetta: Oh please Leon, you're always lying to me. What's a marriage without a few little fibs.

Leon: I never lied to you?

Violetta: Remember when you told me my tiramisu was delicious and you couldn't stop eating it, so you had 4 bowls?

Leonetta's Forevermore 3: The Next Generation 🥰❤️Where stories live. Discover now