Chapter 22: Disbelief

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Federico on the phone with Leon

Federico: Hey brother, how you doing?

Leon: Finally! Someone answered! I've been calling everyone for the past 20 minutes. Fede, I need... need...

He was struggling to speak, and I could hear him crying.

Federico: Leon? What's wrong?

Leon: It's... uh...

He couldn't get any words out of his mouth which made me worry.

Federico: Talk to me, what's going on? Is everything okay?

Leon: Violetta.... Violetta... she's...

Federico: What? What's wrong with Vilu. Leon, you're scaring me.

Leon: She's gone.

Federico: What do you mean gone?

Leonetta's Forevermore 3: The Next Generation 🥰❤️Where stories live. Discover now