Chapter 18: One For The Ages

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Leon: Let's change the subject.

Violetta: Fans have been hounding me about going on a live, so I promised them today at 3pm.

I looked at my watch and checked the time.

Leon: That's in exactly 3 minutes.

Violetta: What!

Leon: Get your phone and I'll set everything else up.

I quickly got the phone stand as well as headphones and a microphone in case she wants to sing or something.

Violetta: Thank you.

Leon: For what?

Violetta: Just, for everything. You're the best and I love you.

Leon: I love you too, so much more. Now, go on your live and get done because after, there will be no kids, no fans, just you and me in bed.

Violetta: My love, I'm already on. Say hi to everyone.

She pointed at her phone and I realised a lot of people heard me.

Leon: Oh. Hi, and by in bed I meant like watch a movie in bed.

Violetta: Nice save. Can you go now though?

I stood still and looked up in the air, hoping she would catch that I want a kiss from her before I leave. Luckily, she understood and leaned in to kiss my cheek, but I turned in time and got my lips on hers.

Leon: Is it inappropriate to say that that was hot in front of everyone.

Violetta: You're such a clown.

Leon: Guess what ladies and gentlemen, she's been married to this clown for 17 years.

She laughed at me and shook her head in embarrassment.

Violetta: Goodbye my love.

Leon: At least I got a smile out of you. Call me if you need anything, I'm right down the hall.

He left the room and gently closed the door. I smiled at the camera and apologised to everyone for what they saw.

Violetta: Hey everyone. Sorry about him, he's just always like that.

I looked at the comments section and read some of the comments.

Jortini_forever: What do you usually do every morning and how are your day to day lives?

Violetta: Well Jortini_forever, every morning, the first thing I do is shower. Then after I shower, I always go outside with a cup of tea to get some fresh air. I never make the tea in the mornings because Leon makes it the best, and my mood will be determined by how my morning goes. After being outside on my own for some me time, I gym with Leon for an hour. Since our kids are now going to school, we sort them out and then while he is busy gaming, I go make us both some breakfast. If we're working on something, then we're out either shooting the video, or collaborating with our producers on our songs. We do occasionally go out with friends, when we have time, but it hasn't been the case recently, as we've been busy.

Castillovargas_: Do you get to spend any alone time with Leon?

Violetta: It's definitely challenging because we've been super busy, especially these past 2 months, but we do get to spend some nights together. I generally look forward to evenings because I come home to my wonderful kids and to him. Late nights and early mornings are our alone times, but that's about it.

Violetta_4life: When will your next album be released?

Violetta: My next song will be in released in a few days, but my next album will be completed in a month or so.

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