Chapter 14: Magic & Miracles

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Diego's (POV)
It's been almost 3 weeks since this tour started and yet it feels like we only arrived in Morocco today. I miss that place already, but not as much as I miss Egypt. Even though we didn't perform in Cairo, it was amazing to go sightseeing. Being able to touch a part of History was truly special for me. It also cancelled out Namibia as we didn't have time to go anywhere else except the hotel and the venue of our show. 4 hours have passed since we arrived in Cape Town, South Africa. I've always wanted to go on holiday here, so luckily I can finally tick that off my bucket list. Just climbing out of a steaming hot shower, I opened the bathroom door and walked out to see Francesca rehearsing her song on the bed.

Francesca: Anything can happen
If you believe in magic
Everything is yours
So just go
It's your time what you're waiting for
Oh-oh, Oh-oh
Everything is open
Everything you dream about is there and more
So just go
It's your time what you waiting for!
Now I can't wait no more
I feel it in my heart
I'm a super star!
Life is an open door.

Diego: Amazing!

Francesca: Oh! Hey, didn't see you there.

Diego: Sorry sweetie, I didn't mean to startle you.

Francesca: It's okay. What are your plans for the day?

Diego: I'm not sure yet, why? Do you have something in mind?

Francesca: I have a whole itinerary. I mean, it's a special day after all.

Diego: Why am I not surprised? Wait, what do you mean...

I was talking whilst putting on my pants, when someone knocked on our room door.

Diego: Hold that thought.

I opened the door to see Violetta with a bright smile on her face, looking straight at Francesca.

Violetta: Hey, happy birthday Fran!

Francesca: Thanks Vilu.

I stood puzzled, but I shook it off almost immediately as I didn't want to blow my cover.

Violetta: Are you two ready?

Diego: Where are we going?

Violetta: Going shopping for Fran's birthday. I promised I'd take her to get anything she wants, needs or sees that she likes.

Francesca: Where's Leon?

Violetta: He's coming now, he put the children down in Emma's room.

As she said that, Leon came walking down the hallway with the twins in a stroller.

Leon: Hey guys. Before you look at me like that babe, Emma is not feeling well and couldn't take care of them today, so they're coming with us.

Violetta: Okay, well Diego, get dressed and we'll meet you downstairs.

Leon: Actually why don't Fran and I take the kids downstairs, you wait for Diego.

Violetta: Why?

Leon: Well if you must know, I got her something for her birthday too.

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