Chapter 24: A Surprising Alliance

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2 weeks later

Leon's (POV)
I woke up the morning thinking and hoping it was all one bad dream, only to open my eyes and realize that it wasn't. I was lying on the couch in Ludmila and Federico's house, with no memory of what had occurred last night after speaking to Daniel. No sign of Ludmila, Federico, nor the twins. I got up and walked around the place looking for them. There was no one in the house except for me. I went to make myself breakfast and after, looked for my phone. I found it on the table by the couch. I picked it up and immediately called Federico.

Federico on the phone with Leon

Federico: Leon, is everything okay?

Leon: Yes, yes. I'm sorry, but where are you?

Federico: You do know I work right?

Leon: Of course, but like where are my kids? Where is everyone?

Federico: I took the kids to school because they wanted to go back. After I dropped them, I went to work. Oh and Ludmila went to work too. I thought she might've left you a message or something.

Leon: No, she didn't leave me anything. Thank you though, for taking the twins to school today and well, for everything. I'm going to the police to find out if they have any more news on Vilu. It's been days, so fingers crossed. See you later?

Federico: Sure, let me know how it goes. Bye.

I ended the call and went to take a shower. After getting done, I went to the station and saw both Officer Guerena and Officer Muzlera sitting by their desks filing some paperwork.

Leon: Hi officers, could I please have a moment to talk with you?

Officer Muzlera: Mr Vargas! Yes, of course. What can I, I mean we help you with?

Leon: I just wanted to find out if there's anything new regarding my wife's... um situation.

Officer Guerena: We're still checking up on leads, but we will let you know if there are any breakthroughs in the case.

Leon: If there's anything, maybe any clues to finding her or something like that, please let me help.

I began whispering to Guerena as I wasn't sure if he would let Mr Vargas in on the investigation.

Officer Muzlera: Maybe we should tell him about the letter.

I was clearly not soft enough because Mr Vargas had overhead what I said.

Leon: What letter?

Lucky for me, Guerena was going to tell him anyway.

Officer Guerena: Yes, I was just about to tell Mr Vargas. We searched your place for anything out of place, maybe what the perp left behind, and found three envelopes on the desk in your room. At first we thought it was common, until we saw who it was for and from.

He handed the letters to Mr Vargas and he read the front cover out loud.

Leon: "To: My Lovely Husband. Read when you're alone and ready. I love you. Love: Your Wife, Violetta." It's the same for the twins. I'm sorry, but I don't get it.

Officer Guerena: You said in your statement yesterday that you dropped her at your house and then you went to the store on your own. Why didn't you first go to the store and then go home? It would've made sense to do it that way because the store was on the way, but you decided to go back and forth instead.

Leon: Violetta was getting pregnancy cravings so she asked if we could go to the shop. Initially she begged to go with but I knew that she would've taken a while in the shop, so I told her that I'd do it myself quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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