Chapter 10: Good Classics

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Meanwhile after Leon and Diego left

Violetta's (POV)
Ludmila was being like the same Ludmila 10 years ago.

Maxi: You don't need bodyguards to carry you around like you're some star. You dance and sing like anybody else Ludmila.

Ludmila: I'm way better than every one of you. You Maxi, are like a crater in the moon, whereas I am a supernova. Bigger and far more brighter than you will ever be.

She drank a sip of her water but then spat it out.

Ludmila: Natalia! This water is colder than room temperature! You know cold water isn't good for me.

Naty: They don't have any room temperature water!

Ludmila: Did you go outside to check for some?

Naty: No...

Ludmila: Go!

Maxi: That's enough Ludmila! Stop treating her like she's your slave!

Andres: Yeah, we want the old Ludmila back now because this one reminds me of Toby.

Ludmila: You're not talking about Bobby the goat, are you?

Everyone: Toby was a sheep!

Ludmila: Well all I know it was some hideous creature.

Federico: My love, please stop! Let's go get some room temperature water for you, so you can relax.

As they were leaving, Ludmila pushed Naty, but she bumped into me, as she was in front of me, which made me lose my balance. Before I hit the floor, someone caught me, and we stared into each other's eyes. The man who caught me was very attractive, which caught me off guard. He had these beautiful brown eyes and muscles the size of bricks.

Daniel: Nice of you to drop in. Are you alright?

All I did was gulp and nod because if I spoke, I would've said and done something I know I would regret.

Daniel: Is there anything I can get you?

Violetta: Hot... I mean Violetta... I mean no I'm okay.

He chuckled at what I said and then smiled at me.

Daniel: You as well. The hot part I mean. Pleasure to meet you, I'm Daniel.

Francesca's (POV)
Violetta was mesmerized by Daniel and I couldn't blame her, he was extremely attractive. All the girls in our group stood staring at his muscles. After he helped her up, he greeted the rest of the gang.

Daniel: Hi, I'm Daniel.

Broduey: Look man, these ladies are all taken, so you're not going to find your Mrs Right here.

Daniel: Relax, I'm a happily engaged man.

All of us girls sighed in disappointment which upset the guys. Gena came, but then she took Daniel's hand and gave him a kiss. 

Violetta: Hey Gena, we're so glad you could make it. I never knew you were engaged.

Gena: Hey! Yeah, been engaged for 2 months now.

Francesca: Oh so it's recent, well then congrats to the both of you.

Gena: Thank you. Is it fine that I brought Daniel? I didn't want to come without him as he is also a big fan. Plus he begged.

Violetta: Perfect. Well we're waiting for Leon, Diego, Ludmi and Fede.

Francesca: I'll go get Leon and Diego quick.

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