Chapter 4: Reconnecting

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Broduey: What if I promise to change for you? If you give me a chance.

He took my hand and sat me down on a bench nearby. He got his guitar ready and sang, 'Just Say Yes'.

Broduey: If you believe it
And you keep asking all of your questions
You can make a connection
Right from your heart up to the starry night
Where all of your dreams are
You can really get that far
All that matters now is the answer you'll find inside you
Say it to me, I have been waiting
That's all I want, my hands are shaking
It's the, the reason that I'm such a mess
Cause I'm just waiting for you to say yes
Say it to me, only three letters
All that I need to make it better
And I, I wouldn't have to go and guess
If you just turn around and tell me yes
Say it to me.

He put the guitar down on the ground next to him and took out a gorgeous, sparkly, diamond ring.

Broduey: Candelaria Camila Molfese Torres, will you marry me?

I looked at him and saw him smile at me with so much love. In my mind, I screamed out the words yes, but nothing came out...

Broduey: Cami?

Camila: No.

Broduey: No?

Camila: Yes. Wait, no. Wait, yes. I don't know.

Broduey: You do know how this works, right?

Camila: But I thought you didn't want to get married now?

Broduey: I didn't, but I know that when I do get married, it will be to you, so I realised that it doesn't really matter when. I just want to see you on the other side of the aisle, wearing white.

I jumped into his arms and pressed my lips on his.

Broduey: So is that a yes?

Camila: Yes, I can't wait to marry you!

Violetta's (POV)
Francesca and Ludmila followed me back to my room and decided to help me get my hair and makeup ready for my date with Leon. Naty still kept playing with Lia and Emma was sitting and playing with Liam.

Violetta: Naty, you don't have to play with her the entire time.

Naty: But it's fun. Plus she hasn't stopped laughing since you gave her to me, which means she's also having fun.

Violetta: Okay, but she needs to be fed soon though.

Naty: Ooh, can I feed her?

Violetta: Um, sure you can. Emma, please help Naty find Lia's bottle.

Emma: Yes ma'am.

She got up and gave me Liam, so she could help Naty. I played with Liam while the girls were fixing my hair.

Violetta: You're mommy's boy, aren't you?

Liam jumped on me and kissed me on the cheek.

Ludmila: Aww, that is so cute.

Francesca: Absolutely adorable!

Violetta: Mommy loves you so much.

He snuggled up in my arms and didn't want to let go of me.

Francesca: I ship this mother-son love.

Violetta: You ship everything Fran.

Ludmila: That's true. Oh that reminds me, do you like Leon's beard?

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