Chapter 17: First Day Of School

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Lia's (POV)
I was sitting with Clara when a girl next to me started speaking to me.

Laura: Hey, I'm Laura.

Lia: I'm Lia, and this is Clara. Nice to meet you.

Laura: Same here. Are you really the daughter of Violetta Vargas?

Lia: Yes, I am.

Laura: I'm a huge fan. My parents talk about her a lot, especially my dad. My dad is DJ MFP, one of the most famous DJ's in Argentina.

Lia: Your dad is Maximiliano Facundo Ponte?

Laura: He sure is.

Lia: I love what he did with my parent's songs. He made a few of the remixes and it was amazing.

We made our way to the multipurpose room to talk about the year end show. Gregorio came in and we stopped our conversation to hear what he had to say.

Gregorio: So as I was telling you this morning, I have an idea about how we going to do the year-end show. Two words: Throwback Days!

Valentina: What do you mean by throwback?

Gregorio: I'm glad you asked me that. We are going to make it a special reunion for your parents. If you don't each other, then that means your parents lost contact with each other, so we're going to surprise them by singing their Top 10 songs that they sang here in the studio.

We all smiled and celebrated quietly amongst ourselves.

Gregorio: I'm glad you like this idea. The only thing we need to do is keep it a secret from them. They can know about everything else at school, except information about the show. Can I trust you all with this?

All: Yes!

Gregorio: Good. Now, we are going to hold auditions to sing in the show, so I suggest you start preparing for that.

We all went into small groups and brainstormed ideas for the show. The clumsy boy who came late walked up to me whilst I was having a conversation with Clara, Laura and Valentina.

Rico: Hi, I'm Rico.

Laura: Leave her alone Rico.

Rico: I'm just coming to introduce myself to the two girls, that's all.

Clara: I'm Clara.

Lia: And I'm Lia.

Rico: Pretty name. Lia, I also wanted to thank you for helping me with my books and stuff this morning.

Lia: It's not a problem.

Rico: See you around. And welcome to the studio Clara and Lia.

He walked away with a smile on his face and went over to the boys.

Valentina: Be careful of the boys in this place hey. Most of them are trouble.

Laura: And the one who aren't, will be.

After Gregorio's class, school was over. Jose came to pick both of us up looking a bit worried, but he tried to hide it.

Lia: Are you alright Jose?

Jose: I'm fine Lia. How was school for both of you?

Liam: School was so much fun, I already have a friend.

Jose: That's great! And how about you Lia?

Lia: It was okay, I also kind of made friends too. We're already preparing for our auditions for our year-end show.

Jose: Oh, you already have a theme for the year-end show?

Liam: Yeah, it's called...

Lia: Liam! Stop! It's a secret. Sorry Jose, but we are at liberty to discuss it with you, or anyone outside of the studio.

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