Chapter 5: Misunderstandings

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After I left rehearsal
I was running to the restaurant because it was around the corner from where we were rehearsing. When I stopped running to check if I was going the right way, some random woman bumped into me and spilt all her coffee on my shirt.

Leon: Ahh!

Gena: I'm so sorry, I didn't see where I was going. Let me help you.

I quickly took my shirt off because it was hot, and she offered me a serviette, so I took it.

Leon: No I'm sorry, it's my fault. Let me go quickly get you another coffee.

I went to get her another coffee, which took another 20 minutes.

Leon: Sorry, I didn't catch your name?

Gena: It's Gena.

Leon: Nice to meet you Gena, I'm Leon. I'm extremely sorry for knocking into like that, I was in a rush.

Gena: I should've looked before you stopped. I'm sorry, I owe you for ruining your shirt. Is there anything I can do for you?

Leon: It's really not a problem. I'm going to go quickly to the hotel and get another shirt.

Gena: So you don't live here?

Leon: No, I'm from Argentina. I'm here with my band on a tour.

Gena: Wait a minute... Are you from 'All For You'?

Leon: Yes I am, how did you know?

Gena: My fiancé is a fan. He has all of your songs and photos.

Leon: That's amazing, and you just gave me an idea. We have a show tonight, and since you owe me something, I was wondering maybe you could come to our show, yourself and your fiancé. I can get VIP tickets for you and you can meet everyone backstage if you want.

Gena: I'll think about it.

Leon: Alright. If you do come, just tell the security guard that your name is Gena and that Leon Vargas said you can come in.

Gena: Thank you. I'll maybe see you tonight.

Leon: Oh look at the time, I must get going. Hopefully I'll see you tonight.

I put my wet shirt back on and went to the hotel to change. I then saw Maxi as I was walking past, and he told me about the engagement. When I made my way to the lobby and was about to go out the door, I was stopped by some fans. I took photos alone and with the fans, but then Francesca came down from her room to go to the shop for something to drink.

Francesca: Why are you here, aren't you supposed to be with Vilu?

Leon: I know, I'm trying to get there. How long has she been there for?

Francesca: Well, it's 1pm, so 2 hours.

Leon: What! She's going to be so mad at me!

Fan 1: Can we quickly take a picture of the two of you please?

Leon: Yeah, come Fran.

Fan 2: Can I take a picture with you two please?

Francesca: Um yeah, sure you can.

We took some photos together, but then I really had to leave.

Leon: I must get going, I'm already super late.

Francesca: Wait!

Leon: What's wrong?

Francesca: Get her flowers, to say sorry.

Leon: Okay, thanks!

As I was about to run out, I was stopped yet again by Gena.

Gena: Hey Leon, I was about to come find you. I figured you were in this hotel because it's the closest one to where we were. I wanted to find out what time we should come? I like this top better.

Leonetta's Forevermore 3: The Next Generation 🥰❤️Where stories live. Discover now