Chapter 6: The Show

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Leon's (POV)
After the rehearsal, I went over to go and sort things out with Violetta, but she didn't even want to look at me. I had to hold her, so she couldn't leave.

Leon: Can you please tell me what the problem is?

Violetta: Oh, now are you going to kiss me against my will again?

Leon: What are you talking about?

Violetta: I didn't want to kiss you, but I couldn't reject you in front of Julia and her crew, so I had no choice! It was very selfish of you to put your feelings over mine there! You might be my husband, but you can't do what you please with me!

Her voice went louder and louder. She was making a huge scene, and all our friends were watching. I quickly tried calming her down.

Leon: Violetta my love, you're screaming.

Violetta: Don't touch me!

I could see fury in her eyes, so I stood still. I have never experienced this with her before and it was difficult to witness. There was something wrong and I needed to find out what it is.

Diego's (POV)
I was watching Violetta scream at Leon from afar, but when it got really heated, I decided to step in.

Diego: Leon, it's best you give her some space.

He looked at me and then I slowly backed away from her. She walked away and went to the bathroom.

Diego: You can see she's upset, so stop getting frustrated with her!

Leon: I'm not! I just want to know why she is treating me so badly. I didn't mean to stand her up, it was a mistake, but she's treating me so unfairly because of one mistake.

Diego: Not everything is about you Leon.

Leon: What do you mean?

Diego: You're not the main reason she's this upset.

Leon: What do you know that I don't?

Diego: I think you should give your father in-law a call.

I walked away and went to my wife to try and sort things out with her.

Leon's (POV)
When Diego left, I took out my phone and called German.

Leon on the phone with German

Leon: German! Hi, how are you?

German: Hey Leon. I'm doing the best I can, how are you? How's Violetta coping? Is she fine for the show?

Leon: I'm alright thanks. That's why I'm calling, Violetta hasn't been herself, and I don't know what is wrong.

German: Did she not tell you anything earlier this afternoon?

Leon: No she didn't, why what's going on?

German: Her grandmother, Angelica passed away this morning.

When German told me the reason of her sudden change of character, everything began to make sense.

Leon: Oh, I didn't know. I'm sorry for your loss. How's Angie doing? And does Fede know?

German: Thank you. She's struggling but getting through it. Fede knows, but it probably didn't affect him as much as Vilu was closer to her.

Leon: Well, sending all my love to Angie and you.

The signal then suddenly cut out and the call ended. I was going to make my way to Violetta, but then Gena came. 

Gena: Leon! Hey, my fiancé is ill so he couldn't make it, but I still decided to show up.

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