Chapter 21: Bad News

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Maxi: Break up with her right now!

Sebastian: Excuse me?

Maxi: You heard me! You don't deserve her, and you know it! Why don't you tell our friends what you did? I know Leon and Vilu would definitely want to know exactly what we're talking about.

I turned to Leon, looking shocked as I wasn't sure what was going on.

Leon: What are you talking about Maxi?

Maxi: Vilu, were you tagged in a video with Sebastian recently?

Violetta: I don't know, I haven't checked my phone.

Sebastian: Stop it Maxi!

Naty: No, they have a right to know.

Maxi: Let me show you.

He unlocked his phone and turned it to face the both of us.

Sebastianyatra: Was a wild night with none other than @tinivargas!

It was a video displaying him making love to who's supposed to be me but can't be because that has never happened before.

Leon: That's not Vilu.

Maxi: Exactly. He made it up and everyone on social media is going wild because they think that you two have split up.

Naty: Only people who are close with you will know it's not you and him, but others won't.

I could see Leon's eyes raging with fire. He clenched his fists, but I held him back before he pounced. He then calmed down before speaking.

Leon: Why did you do this? Aren't you happy with Lena? I thought we were friends man.

Sebastian: We are. I just needed to get the reporters off my back.

Violetta: What do you mean?

Sebastian: Many people want us to be together and many have been hounding me, asking me about our relationship. I couldn't deal, so I went to a pub and drank to calm down. The problem was that after the first glass, I couldn't stop. I posted the video on my way home, while I was drunk. I'm really sorry, I know it was stupid, but I didn't have the guts to tell the reporters yet about Lena and I going to get hitched.

He looked sincere as he was explaining everything. We all stood there silently until the story concluded.

Naty: Okay, but then who is the girl you're kissing in this video?

Sebastian: That guy is not me, it's just some random couple that looked like us that I saw at the pub. I actually took a video to show Violetta. I seriously did not do any of it to try and cheat or anything like that, I swear.

Leon: It's okay, but do you realize how it's going to look for Violetta?

Sebastian: I know, I'm going to fix it. The last thing I want is for this to blow out of proportion.

Maxi: Too late now, the video has gone viral and people think that Leon and Vilu either split, or she's cheating on him.

I saw irritation and fury in Leon's eyes while he was looking at Sebastian. He stormed to his car as he didn't want to make a scene in front of the children passing by. I wanted to follow him, but a few school kids came and asked Sebastian and I for autographs.

Violetta: Who should I make this out to?

Javier: You can say Javi.

I looked up and saw Javier as well as his parents standing in front of me. They looked nervously at me and waited until I broke the silence.

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