Chapter 15: New Beginnings

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It's been 15 years since the Tour to Africa, so much has changed. Everyone has gotten older, wiser and richer. The entire gang had their families and moved on with their life after that tour and hasn't seen one another since. Now their children have a chance to bring the gang back together, but how if they don't know who each other are? Let's find out, shall we?

Lia's (POV)
I woke up feeling the greatest I've ever felt. I sat up and immediately began to write in my diary.

Today is the first day going to school! This isn't even a normal school, it's a music school! On Beat Studio is the place where my parents fell in love and where they became famous. I haven't been this excited for anything before! Even though my parents had to home school my brother and I because they always went on tours, they still listened and tried to make my dreams come true, which is to follow in their footsteps.

As I was busy writing, I looked up and saw my father standing by the door, smiling and watching me write.

Lia: I didn't see you there, come inside dad.

He came inside and sat on the bottom of my bed, with the same grin on his face.

Leon: Sorry sweetheart, I didn't mean to disturb you. I was looking at you and I realised how alike you and your mother are.

Lia: What do you mean?

Leon: Whenever I see your mother write in her diary, I see a glow in her eyes. The same glow I saw in your eyes whilst you were writing.

Lia: Can I ask you something, dad?

Leon: Sure, go ahead.

Lia: How long did it take you to realise you and mom were in love?

Leon: I always knew, but your mother took 3 years to realise it, why?

Lia: No reason. I'm going to get done now for school.

As I got up to tidy up, my mother came in to check if I was awake.

Violetta: Oh good, you're awake. My love, we need to talk urgently.

Leon: What's wrong?

Dad and I could see that she was nervous and tense.

Leon: Um, well let's leave you to get dressed. Tell your brother to come to our room when he is done getting changed too.

He walked out with her and when they got into their room, I heard the door close, so it had to be bad. I got changed and then went to Liam's room to tell him to go to our parents.

Leon's (POV)
When I walked out of Lia's room with Violetta, she pulled me to our room and closed the door.

Leon: Can you now tell me what's wrong?

She began pacing up and down the room, so I stopped her and calmed her down by rubbing my thumbs up and down her arms.

Leon: Talk to me my love, what's going on?

Violetta: I'm late.

Leon: What?

Violetta: I'm 4 day's late Leon.

Leon: Are you sure it's maybe just your cycle changing?

Violetta: It only changed once in my life, and that was when I was pregnant with the twins. 

Leon: But it can't be! What about birth control?

Violetta: Clearly it failed!. What are we going to do!

Leon: Are you sure you're pregnant? Did you do a test?

Violetta: Emma is getting me the pregnancy test now, so she should be here soon. If I'm pregnant, Leon what are we going to do?

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