Chapter 23: Kids Unite

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She came even closer and held me tight. I didn't let go because as much as I didn't want to give in, I needed her. For years she used to always be the one who calmed me down, so I let her hold me. When she let go, Diego took a step closer and nervously put his hand out.

Diego: What do you say man? Friends again?

I grabbed his hand and pulled him in for a long bro hug.

Leon: I'm sorry man.

Diego: No, you chose to stand beside your wife, and I can't judge you for that. I would've done the same in your position.

After our hug, German got everyone's attention.

German: Now that everyone's here, I wanted to suggest something with you all.

We all stood silent before he spoke about her death.

German: I think on Saturday, we should do a memorial service for Vilu.

Everyone kept agreeing, but I couldn't keep quiet for much longer.

Leon: I'm sorry, but I don't agree.

Andres: Leon...

Leon: I said no. I'm not going to have a memorial for my wife if there's no body. The only way I'll ever agree to this is when I see her body.

German: The sooner you accept it, the better it'll...

Leon: German, with all due respect, this is my decision because it's my wife. You might be ready to accept that she's dead, but I won't. You know more than anyone in this room how much she means to me, so I can't give up on her just yet.

I stormed out of the house and walked outside for some fresh air. I went to sit by the pool to think, and a few minutes later, came Naty.

Naty: Do you want some wine?

Leon: I don't think it's wise to be drinking in front of my kids right now.

Naty: It will help take the edge off things for a bit.

She handed the glass to me, so I took it and took a sip.

Naty: Mind if I sit here with you?

Leon: Yeah sure, go ahead.

She sat down and we stayed silent for a few minutes, looking at the view, until she finally broke the silence.

Naty: Okay that's enough of that. Now, talk to me.

Leon: What do you want me to say?

Naty: I want you to tell me how you are feeling about everything.

Leon: You know how much I loved her, so you know how I'm feeling.

Naty: Pretend I don't, I want you to get everything off your chest.

Leon: I don't really want...

Naty: Jorge Leon Blanco Vargas, don't make me lose my temper!

Leon: Fine. I'm upset! I lost the love of my life. I spent 22 years of my life with her by my side, and now she's gone.

Naty: Were your last few conversations on good terms?

Leon: Yeah, we were actually planning on going for a quick round before we went off to work. There's no woman I loved most in the world. She was everything. Smart, funny, adventurous, gorgeous, admiring, sexy, outgoing, unique. I never imagined a life without her and never wanted to either. I was so in love with her, I couldn't keep my hands off her. Today, she asked me if I can stop grabbing her ass because our kids might catch us. She was an unbelievable wife as well as an unbelievable mother. They both loved her very much and even sacrificed going to a music school, for her.

Leonetta's Forevermore 3: The Next Generation 🥰❤️Where stories live. Discover now