Chapter 8: Our Lustful Night

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We went back to the hotel to first spend time with our kids and then went to our room witnessing my mom and my dad yelling at us.

Lily, Lucas: Surprise! Happy Belated Anniversary!

Violetta: Oh my gosh! Hi!

Leon: Mother, father! What are you doing here?

Lily: We came to surprise you two on your anniversary.

Violetta: Or you came to take care of your grandchildren for the night.

Lucas: You never cease to amaze me, my dear. You're spot on.

Leon: When did you two arrive?

Lily: Today, we came in time to watch the show! It was spectacular, especially when you proposed to my son, Vilu.

Violetta: Well your son deserves nothing but the best.

Leon: Why don't you show me everything I deserve, right now.

Lily: Please tell me we're getting more grandchildren soon!

Leon: We've been through this mother, we only planned on having 2.

Lucas: Honey, I think we should catch up with them tomorrow. Maybe tonight they might change their minds.

Violetta: Not in the slightest.

Lily: I only want you two to think about it. Anyways, we'll give you the room, to think about it. Treat her well, my son.

Violetta: He always does.

Lily: I've raised him right then. Goodnight dearests.

Violetta's (POV)
They gave us a kiss and walked out of the room. When he shut the door closed, a relieved look showed on his face.

Violetta: They're really pushing for another one.

Leon: They're hoping 3 grandkids will replace them not having 3 kids.

Violetta: But then why were you the only child?

Leon: I don't actually know.

Violetta: Anyways, I wanted to apologise for how I treated you today.

Leon: You just were emotional, and you didn't know how to cope with it. You don't need to apologise because it's my fault. I should've been with you, supporting you, but instead I messed up.

Violetta: It wasn't you though. The reason I became so angry and felt alone was because...

Leon: When your mom died, your dad wasn't also there for you because he was distraught himself, so you didn't know how to cope with that pain then, and now.

Violetta: Have you been reading my diary?

Leon: You should really give me more credit. After all, I am your husband. I know you like the back of my hand.

Violetta: Now you, never cease to amaze me.

Leon: Funny. But seriously though, I don't want you to ever feel like you're alone. Like I said, I'm your husband, so you are allowed to use me once in a while. I'm here for you, anytime, any day.

Violetta: I appreciate you, really I do. I'm sorry, can I make it up to you? Anything you want, I'll do it.

Leon: All I want is for you to be happy.

Violetta: I'm happy. Really. But something could make me happier.

Leon: Oh yeah, what's that.

After switching off the lights, I tugged the waistband of his slacks and kissed him. His eyes lit up as he realised exactly what I meant.

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