Chapter 16: The Introduction

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Federico: Hi, do you know what room Violetta Vargas is in?

Nurse: Mr Vargas has made it quite clear that no one comes to visit his wife. What are your names?

Federico: I'm Federico, her brother and this is my wife, Ludmila. Leon has personally messaged us to come here.

Nurse: Oh, my apologies. It says here that you two are the only ones allowed up there. She's in room 232.

Ludmila: Thank you very much.

We walked to the elevator and when we got to the room, we saw Leon standing inside holding her hand whilst talking to her.

Ludmila: We came as soon as we could. How are you doing?

Violetta: Hey. I'm okay, just a bit fatigued.

Federico: What did the doctor say?

They looked at each other nervously, as if they have something important to tell us.

Leon: Violetta's pregnant, again.

Federico: This is incredible! Congratulations!

I was about to congratulate them, but Violetta and Leon looked upset.

Ludmila: May I ask why we're more excited than you?

Violetta: We've never wanted more than 2 children and to make matters worse, this came at the wrong time.

Federico: What's so wrong with having a baby now?

Violetta: I won't be able to handle the twins during this time, neither will Leon.

Ludmila: Look, many people are wishing to have another child, so I think you should both take this as a blessing instead of a cursing.

Leon looked at Violetta and smiled at her.

Leon: Maybe Ludmila is right. I mean, we did a perfect job with the twins already. This will be tricky I know, but we've gotten through so many difficult challenges. How hard can raising another kid be?

She kissed his hand and then he got up and gave her a hug.

Violetta: Thank you Ludmila, I really needed that.

Ludmila: We're sisters, and sisters help one another.

Violetta: I love you. I love all three of you.

Federico: We love you too. Now, when are you going to tell the twins?

Leon: Probably after school. Don't tell anyone outside your house, please. I'm not sure how your father is going to react and I'm not ready for it.

Federico: We won't tell anyone. Wait, but there's still one thing I'm still curious about though.

Leon: What?

Federico: Who's fault is it this time?

Violetta: It really doesn't matter whose fault it is. You need two people to make a baby.

Leon: It was Violetta's fault this time.

Federico: Really!

Violetta: What?! No it was your fault!

Leon: It was your fault my love.

Violetta: How? How was this all my fault?

Leon: You're the one who started it. Don't you remember?

Violetta: No, please refresh my memory.

Leon's (POV)
Federico and Ludmila sat on the bed and listened to the story.

Leonetta's Forevermore 3: The Next Generation 🥰❤️Where stories live. Discover now