Chapter 13

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~The Estate~

"daddyyy! mommyyyy! where are you guys.."


"owie..." Lillie said as Natsu watched her bump into a pillar by the staircases, ouch. Lucy, Lillie, and Natsu were all playing hide n seek together with Lillie so she could gain some gross motor skills, along with intelligence skills. At this point Natsu had decided to come out of his hiding spot by the stairs and sneak up on her "daddyyy! mommyyy! come on this isn't fair, you guys are too good at hiding"

Natsu takes his chance, he started running up to her and he grabbed her from behind

~Natsu's POV~

"Wahhhh!" Lillie screamed as I grabbed her and lifted her up off of the floor "I caught you" I said while holding her in my arms. She started giggling a lot "But that's not how the game works daddy" she said in between laughter. Lillie can always bring a smile to my face no matter how down I feel, she is just so bright and full of happiness and joy.

I keep holding her in my arms staring at her beautiful complexion. Lillie has salmon pink hair like mine and she big chocolate brown eyes like her mother's and they shine all the time "Lillie?" She turns her head "Yes daddy?" "Do you want to see if we can find mommy.." I whisper to her and she glows with excitement and happiness "Of course i do daddy!"

I chuckled at her statement "Then what are we standing around for" i said while putting Lillie down on the ground "Lead the way princess" she smiled joyfully and nodded with so much determination.

She started leading us to the master bedroom and the door wasn't closed so I was a bit suspicious about it. We both ended up going in and I turned to bathroom and started walking towards it when I started hearing crying coming from it and I immediately went to open the door but it was locked... no... not again

"Luce, open the door" I said sternly

She didn't acknowledge me

"Luce, please open the door"

Not a word


~Lillie's POV~

Daddy was getting frustrated with mommy but I didn't know why he was. I saw him clench his fist and I knew he was about to hit the door and yell at her

"NO! DON'T DO IT PAPA! STOP!!" I screamed then he clenched his fists, but released them

I walked up to the bathroom door and put my forehead on it "Mommy, I found you. You can come out of your hiding spot now..." I said with a sadness in my voice.

Mommy opened the door, when she did she looked at me with red puffy eyes and it almost made me cry but I didn't because I didn't want daddy to see me cry like mommy was. I didn't want to make daddy worried that something may be wrong, and I also didn't want daddy to ask me why I might be crying

"Mommy.." I trailed off, walking in her direction "Mommy.. it's okay to cry.. you don't need to be scared now.. nothings going to happen... I um, I promise.." I said with my hand on her cheek

I felt a sudden headache rush over me and removed my hand slowly trying to make sure they didn't notice

But a groan managed to escape my lips..

"Lillie..?" daddy said concerned "I'm alri..." another groan stopped me from saying I was okay, then it started to hurt so bad that my vision blurred and I passed out cold

~Natsu's POV~

I watched Lillie as she started falling to the ground "LILLIE!" I screamed, catching her before she could hit the ground, thank goodness

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