Chapter 5

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She grabbed her side and started falling. I couldn't move.


~Rose Garden~

I rushed over to her side as blood was spilling everywhere "LUCY!! COME ON SWEETHEART OPEN YOUR EYES!! DON'T YOU DARE DIE ON ME!" Levy came running outside with Gajeel and she almost fainted at the sight but Gajeel kept her standing up "ILL GET WENDY RIGHT AWAY" he yelled as they both ran to get her as I sat with my knees in Lucy's blood as I held her on my chest my hand covering the wound.

She touched my cheek and that made my head whip back to look at her "LUCY! JUST HOLD ON SWEETHEART! WENDY WILL BE HERE SOON" she just nodded before her eyes started closing and her hand started to fall off my face "LUCY NO! STAY AWAKE BABY! ITS GOING TO BE FINE! EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE" I screamed tears stinging my eyes.

But then they stopped and my eyes narrowed. I looked around and scanned the whole area and didn't find anything.

"COWARD! COME OUT AND FACE ME!" I screamed and then someone touched my shoulder. I gently put Lucy down but kept my hand on her wound. I went for my side and pulled my gun swiftly and pointed it at the person. It was Wendy.

She slowly pointed it away from her "Are you sure you want to do that Natsu. I don't think you do" I then put it away. "I'm sorry Wendy..." I said coldly turning around and picking Lucy back up holding her closely and tightly to my chest.

Wendy came around to where her wound was and kneeled on the ground "Natsu I need you to move your hand away" I just looked at the ground and shook my head "I... I can't she'll bleed Wendy..." she then lifted my head as a tear went down my cheek.

She saw this and wiped it away "First I need to take the bullet out. Then i'll wrap the bandage on it immediately. That way it won't bleed so much ok. So don't cry. It's going to be ok. I promise you she will live" and with that I started to take my hand away slowly. "Sorry my lady. If you can hear me this is going to hurt. A LOT" she said in a calm voice.

She stuck her finger inside the wound trying to find the bullet and Lucy screamed "AGHHHHHHHHH. NATSU!! IT HURTS!" She said tears streaming down her face as she clutched my shoulders and my shirt. I held her close and tightened my grip on her "Shhhh. I know sweetheart. Just hold on. It's going to be ok..." I said as the tears threatened to fall.

"I found it! I have my finger on it!" She yelled in a somewhat calm voice. She started pulling her finger out and as she did I saw the bullet on her hand "Is that it" she didn't look at me but she nodded "Yes sir. But now I need you to lift Lucy up a little off the ground so I can wrap the bandage around her" i nodded at her.

I gently lifted Lucy up in my arms as Wendy started to wrap the bandages around Lucy. A single tear escaped my moist eyes and Wendy wiped it away once again.

"Natsu please don't cry. Your such a strong person and if people see you being weak they'll know your weakness and they are going to take advantage of that. They'll take that and come after the lady more often. So don't cry. Be strong for her" she said calm and sweetly.

I know she's right I just can't help it. This is my wife, my lover, my everything in this world and if she gets hurt I can't help but get angry and cry afterwards. And then I thought of something. The baby. She got shot in the side but what if they got close to the baby "Wendy! I need you to do an ultra sound on Lucy!" I said panicked. She looked at me confused and I had to whisper it to her.

"Lucy's pregnant. So we need to check if the baby is alright..." I said somewhat calm but still panicked. She immediately nodded "We will definitely do that. Just let me finish wrapping her bandages" I nodded again not saying a word.

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