Chapter 11

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All of a sudden, the grip that she had on my suit disappeared and she started falling. at the time, the mysterious person had also disappeared

I grabbed her arm and pulled her up towards my chest, and then kneeled with her in my arms


Natsu's POV

I tried shaking her a couple times to wake her but no reaction "LUCY! Baby?! You have to wake up sweetheart. Please? I'm begging you Luce!!!" I shouted worriedly, and that's when I noticed that she looked really pale

"Damnit! What happened?! WHY DIDN'T I NOTICE!!!"


The sound of that familiar angelic voice repeated over and over in my head. I looked down to see Lucy's eyes open, but she was also sweating and shivering

"Luce, you're burning up" I said as my eyes grew wide

"I know. Natsu...? Whoever that was, I think he did something... to me.. before you came out of your office"

I felt my blood start to boil, I wanted to scream and shout because of what had just been said


I cursed under my breath. Why would someone do this?!

"I'll get you to the infirmary and get Wendy to come look at you. We need to make sure you're ok" I said frustrated. Lucy gripped my suit which made me look at her with a worried, and soft expression

"I don't want to go to the infirmary Natsu.. I just want to be with you and be by your side. Please let me stay with you.." the guilt I felt of letting her go off by herself when I was well aware of the situation at hand made me feel like a complete failure in protecting her, I couldn't say no.

"Alright, I will have Wendy come check on you in the bedroom. I will stay there with you as well. I won't ever leave your side again or leave you unattended while we have this situation at hand. Ok Lucy?"

I said to her gently. She nodded in response to my answer and I started picking her up when she stopped me "I can walk Natsu" she said tiredly "Are you sure sweetheart? I don't want you to end up hurting yourself or getting worse when we don't know what he injected into your system" she nodded once more "Yes I'm sure. I'll be fine. Besides, it's not that far a walk to the bedroom" she said with a weak smile "Ok then, but I will be walking with you so if you start feeling off or sick just tell me. Ok?"

I wanted her to tell me if something was wrong so that she wouldn't be pushing herself and endangering herself if the injection was harmful to her.

"Ok Natsu.."

She said, with a smile still on her pale face.

The other thing I'm worried about is our baby, Lilie. The baby is only three months matured now so it is still very small and is still developing so she could be in danger

Damn it..

Lucy's POV

Natsu did as he said he would and walked with me to the bedroom. He has been so sincere and sweet since the incident happened and has been as the situation still stands.

As we neared the bedroom, I got a piercing headache in the front of my head and I rubbed my temples to try to calm myself down. We had got to the door and I reached for the door knob but I completely missed and my vision blurred in and out, I lost my balance and fell to my knees and started to cough intensely. Natsu rushed to my side

"Lucy!? Sweetie?! Are you alright?!" he panicked, and I couldn't say a word because I couldn't stop the coughing "Lucy please try and answer me?!?!" he said still panicking. The intense coughing stopped after a big cough make me spit up blood all over my hand that was covering my mouth.

I stared in horror as I looked at my hand and at all the blood that was there "...." I had no words "Lucy wha-wha" "Na-Natsu, som-somethings wr-wrong..." I said my vision blurring in and out at a faster speed than it was earlier "Li-Lilie.." Natsu then looked at me in horror and shock "N-No, Lucy wha-what about Li-Lilie" I could only stare at him with sad and tested up eyes "Sh-She.. I don't feel he-her mo-moving anymore" I said, my tears trickling down in little drops down my cheeks.

That was the last thing I could get out before I felt myself falling. I ended up falling into Natsu's chest.

I was still somewhat conscious and Natsu hesitated but eventually wrapped his arms around me firmly. His grip was tight but gentle and it didn't hurt. Natsu pulled me up into his lap gently and slowly put his forehead against mine. I could feel his tears dripping from his eyes onto my cheeks, and there was nothing I could do to calm him down.

The last thing I heard before I drifted off was "I'm so sorry... Luce.. I couldn't keep my promises to you..." that was all I heard..

Then it was dark and completely quiet..

Sorry this is a short chapter.

I'll have another out shortly


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