Chapter 7

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~ With Natsu ~

I was just leaving the family room with Wendy and shutting the doors when I heard a very familiar scream and it immediately made me think of the worst "Damn him! I should have never left her alone with him" I shouted as me and Wendy were running down the hall.

She looked at me with a curious look on her face "Who is him" she asked and I gritted my teeth as I said his name "Rikiri.." I said with my voice full of rage and anger. Wendy's eyes grew big "Wait is Rikiri back! Like he's really back" she sounded so excited and I just sighed "Yeah he's back. But he came right after Lucy got shot" she sighed

"I guess that is kind of suspicious with all that is going on right now, especially with threats on her life" I nodded to her response "That's exactly how I feel. I don't know whether to believe he is actually just here for family, or if it's something else he's supposed to be doing..." she sighed "Yeah. I get it..." she said and then put her head down a little as she ran.

When we got to where I left Rikiri and Lucy my eyes widened.

Lucy wasn't there. Rikiri had a scared look on his face...

Damn it! Why'd I leave her with him!

I ran over to Rikiri and kneeled down and put a hand on his shoulder "Rikiri! Where is Lucy!!" I tried to say calmly but it came out as a scared and worried shout "She ran off and when I went to grab her to stop her from running off her skin was hot... it burned me and she turned to me and her eyes..." he looked down and it worried me.

I put my other hand on his shoulder and shook him gently "What about her eyes Rikiri?! You have to tell me. Please" I said shouting, but still trying to keep calm at the same time.

He hesitated then finally started speaking "They flickered red... I don't know why but they looked like a blood luster red... blood red... like she wants to kill something..." I looked at Rikiri completely shocked but then I realized something "Or someone..." I said with anger in my voice.

I looked at Wendy and she looked scared "I'm going to go find her before something happens. You stay here and treat Rikiri's burn" she nodded "Right" I then ran off to find Lucy.

I was running through every hallway but I couldn't find Lucy anywhere. I checked every room but still nothing. I was out of breath and becoming impatient "Damn it Natsu! Think! Where would she run off to if she needed to keep herself away from someone or something" then I immediately thought of one place she might be

The rose garden maze in the courtyard!

I started running to the back of the mansion and ran down two flights of stairs as fast as I could as I was on the second floor before I thought of the garden. I almost tripped while running to the backdoor of the mansion because of how much of a hurry I was in.

~ The Courtyard/Rose Garden ~

I bursted through the doors leading to the courtyard and I didn't see anyone, but I did see the rose garden maze and I don't know how but I saw a figure peeking out from the corner "Lucy..." I said softly and she ran into the maze, I did the same.

When I got into the maze the entrance closed *Thats weird* I thought to myself, but I continued to follow Lucy into the maze.

I went through the maze for a good couple minutes before I found Lucy in a dead ended part of the maze "Lucy?" I said and she turned around instantaneously. Her breathing was rigid and quick which probably wasn't good considering her wound

"Baby it's me. Take it easy ok. I'm here too help you" I could see the fear in her eyes as she backed away from me "N-No. Stay back! Don't come any closer! Please!" I didn't know what was going on but just seeing Luce like this broke my heart "Sweetheart it's me. It's Natsu" I said walking closer to her.

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