Chapter 15

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~Natsu's POV~

We've only just started looking and I could only think of the worst things.

Thats when I got a call from Gray...

"What is it gray?"

"Get to the front of the estate as fast as you can"

My eyes widened

"I'm on my way right now"

Hanging up, I ran to the front of the estate. When I had gotten there, there was someone standing there with a familiar blonde in hand

"Lucy!" I shouted, instantly held back by Gray and Zeref "Damn it, let me go this instant!" Both shaking their heads "Natsu, please calm down!" Zeref said

I was filled with fear and rage, with absolutely NO calmness in me

"Natsu, come now. Is that anyway to greet someone?" I looked up and my eyes immediately narrowed "Rikiri, you bastard... I'll kill you!" He laughed "Come on.."

While looking at me, Rikiri started laughing even more than before "Funny thing, Lucy can hear everything that's going on right now"

I looked at him, anger written all over my face. I didn't want to risk Lucy getting hurt and I didn't know what to do.

"Rikiri! You bastard!!"

Rikiri wasn't phased at all, he just chuckled "Please, she won't get hurt..." I was fuming, still trying to get out of Gray, and my brothers grip "If you can catch her that is..." and he started flying upwards, getting higher and higher.

My eyes widened as I started struggling against Gray, and Zeref more and more "Guys let me go! Let go!!" I yelled, fear very evident in my voice. They did as told, and then I saw him drop her

I ran as fast as I could to catch up to Lucy in time "LUCYYY!!" I got there in time, and jumped up to grab her

I wrapped my arms around her, while turning so my back was facing the wall that we were about to hit. I braced myself for the impact, holding Lucy tightly so that hopefully she wouldn't take any of blow.

When we hit the wall, I immediately felt the pain from the blunt force of impact. I hissed in pain, trying not to pass out or think of it. I sat up and re-adjusted Lucy so that she was cradle in my lap, with her head laying on my arm "Lu-Lucy! Come on, wake up!"

No answer, not even a nod

"BABY PLEASE!! WAKE UP!!!" I started freaking out, trying to hold back my sobs as the tears wanted so badly to fall. I couldn't lose her

Not now, and not ever!

"Please... baby I beg of you... don't leave me behind, don't leave me all alone in this world.." I couldn't hold back anymore as I pulled Lucy up to my chest, hugging her as the tears started streaming down my face like a waterfall.

I sat there for quite a while, just sobbing as I held her in my arms, that is until I felt sudden movements. I lowered her down a bit to see if she was alright, and her beautiful brown irises were staring right back at mine. Lucy got out of my lap, and sat in front of me while looking at me with tears in her eyes. I managed to smile just a little

"Th-Thank g-goodness" the words slipped out, just before I fell onto Lucy's shoulder. I passed out shortly after.

~Lucy's POV ~

I held Natsu in my arms with his head on my shoulder as he laid passed out. From what I could tell, he may have taken a lot of damage from the wall we crashed into.

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