Chapter 18

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~Lucy's POV~

It's been a couple days since my father took me from my family. And he has been beating me, and treating me horribly

I keep praying for Natsu

Wishing he was here

Hoping that he was coming for me, trying to find me at this very moment.

I haven't given up on him, I have faith in him and the others

Faith that they will find me soon, they always do in the end.


I flinched as my dad yelled. He came up to me and grabbed my arm.

He grabbed it so tightly, that I thought he was going to break it

"Father please! I have to get back home! I have a 4 year old little girl, and a 3 week old baby boy that need me! Please!"

He slapped me, then threw me up against a wall

"Do not mention those disgusting things. I don't know why you haven't given them up for adoption yet" he said with a dark scowl

I stood up and looked at him

"My children are wonderful kids! I will not let you speak in a manner about my children being disgusting! You have no right! You were no father-"

Father got furious and grabbed my neck, squeezing it tightly while holding me up against the wall

"Don't you dare say that again.. Or I will-" he was interrupted by someone "Or you will what?"

It was Natsu! I was so glad to see him that my eyes started to get watery. But my father squeezed on my neck tighter

I couldn't breathe at all now.

I was trying to make him let go by doing anything I could


"Na-Natsu.." I said quietly as I grabbed my father's arm tighter because I knew I could black out any minute.

Natsu was looking at me and back at my father multiple times and he was mad- no, he was more than just mad

Natsu looked as if he wanted to kill someone

"Fa-Father- I can't-" I struggled, my grip loosening on his arm.

"Put. Her. Down. Now." Natsu said as he walked closer to my father and I, and I couldn't hold out any longer.

I heard muffled screaming coming from Natsu as my vision blurred in and out

Then it started fading, into a black abyss I went, in which was terrifying for me to experience once again

I can't remember anything else...

~Natsu's POV~

"Lucy! Damn you! LUCY!"

Lucy's arms had dropped down to her sides

I'm not sure how loud I was, but I knew damn well, I wasn't about to lose her.


Jude just wasn't listening, and I had enough of this

I ended up getting my gun out and shooting at the wall next to Jude "Jude. Either let her go, or I will shoot you myself..."

He just laughed and threw Lucy to the side of him, and she hit a wall.

I still held Jude at gun point because of the fact that he threw Lucy and she hit a wall and may have possibly gotten hurt when she hit it

Natsu's Angel (making the edited version in a new book!)Where stories live. Discover now