Chapter 12

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~Natsu's POV~

It was quite early in the morning and I was just waking up when I heard a strange sound coming from within the bedroom. I got up and headed towards the bathroom where I heard the noise coming from and was trying to make out what it was "Lucy? Is that you in there?"

I got no answer after that. So I asked again

"Lucy? Are you in there sweetheart?"

This time I heard coughing "I'm coming in" I said opening the bathroom door. When I walked into the bathroom I saw Lucy slouched over the toilet with her head on her arms "Hey! Are you alright Lu..?" I asked, rushing over to her.

I put my hand on her forehead "My god Lu, you're burning up, and fast at that" she was panting and breathing heavily "How long have you felt like this?" I ask "It hasn't always been this bad Natsu. I just got the fever yesterday, but the throwing up is new since this morning"

I sigh

"When did you start throwing up? Did you sleep at all?" I ask concerned "I want to say around 3 or 4 this morning. Yes, I did get some sleep, but as soon as I started throwing up I haven't been able to get rest" she says putting her head back down.

I go up and sit next to her and rub her back for a little while, then I pick her up and carry her to the bed as she sets her head on my chest. I lay her on the bed and I put the covers over her as she snuggles up into bed. I pull a chair up to the bed and then pick up the phone and dial Zeref to tell him I'll be out for the day "Ok. Lucy? I'm going to run downstairs get some medications for you and a glass of water. I'll be back in a moment, I promise" "Ok Natsu"

I then headed out towards the kitchen

~Lucy's POV~

Natsu left the room and a couple minutes passed when I felt a very sharp pain in my abdominal area "Ctsh! Ow ow ow" I said quietly. The pain didn't go away, it just kept increasing

"Hah! Gah!" I whimpered "n-NATSUUUU" I cried out for I knew what was going on (Lucy is just going to be 9 months already), I was going into labor.

"Na- Haaaaah!" I sat up and cried. Soon after Natsu walked right in "Lucy! Wha-w" "The baby! The baby is coming" he looked totally shocked and panicked and the color in his face totally escaped him, like it was sucked through a drain or something

"Na-Geh! Natsu I need your help, please!" I screamed in pain and Natsu was already on the phone with Wendy. I was trying as hard as could to hold back the tears, but it just hurt too much and I was just screaming in pain.

The pain was so bad I thought I would pass out any minute, my vision also being blurry to add to it "Lucy everything is going to be fine! You hear me! You'll be fine and Lillie will be fine too! Just stay with me!" Natsu was freaking out a lot more and I just couldn't help him calm down and I was upset with that "Na-tsu.. I need you to stay ca-calm please.." he grabbed my hand as I was getting another contraction "Mmph.." I groaned, squeezing Natsu's hand

Why does it hurt so bad


~Natsu's POV~

Lucy is in so much pain and I hate to see her like this. Her grip on my hand kept loosening and tightening as the contractions came then went, and she was now breaking out into a fever "Where the fuck is Wendy!" I shouted as I felt Lucy's grip on my hand loosen again.

I looked at her and she looked so done and just ready to give up "Lucy! Baby hang on! I promise you'll get through this! Please just hang on!" I shouted again, but with fear present in my voice this time "Natsu I'm just a little tired.. I'm going to try and rest to... regain my strength a bit..." Lucy said, trying so hard to not shut her eyes "Lucy you have to stay awake! Please! You can't leave me alone!" Tears trickling down my cheek as I was shouting and squeezing her hand gently

Lucy grabbed my hand tightly "I am not going anywhere, you hear me. I cannot and I will not leave you or Lillie alone"

I nodded and kissed her on her forehead

Wendy bursted through the doors to our bedroom and ran over to the bedside "Sorry i'm late Natsu" I shook my head "No it's okay, just please help Lucy get through this" she nodded "Of course, right away sir" she said as she was quickly walking to the end of the bed

"Lucy I need you to push for 10 seconds. Ready, and go"

All that could be heard was Lucy's screams

I'm sorry that you are in so much pain Lu..

Catch y'all later!

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