Chapter 3

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-Master bedroom-

"LUCY!" I shouted as I ran and caught her head. Her breathing was shallow and her fever was very high. "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON" I screamed in anger and fear. Mira came running in "Natsu! I-" I looked at her as I held Lucy's lifeless body in my arms and held her close to my chest. "WHAT!?" I screamed at her "W-Wendy will be here in a day or two Natsu" I punched the ground "THAT'S TO LONG" I screamed, tears threatening to fall onto my cheeks.

I picked Lucy up and laid her down on the bed and then laid down with her "Leave us" I said in a low tone. She did as she was told and left the room. As soon as she left the room I started to cry into Lucy's shoulder "Stay alive Luce. You have to" I said as I quietly cried into her shoulder.

Mira came in again. "Natsu? Wendy's on the phone and wants to speak to you about Lucy's condition" I sat up and made sure that Mira didn't see my tears. "Alright I'll be there in a minute. Where at Mira?" She turned and looked at me with a smile "Your study sir" I just nodded in her direction "Thank you Mira..." I said trying to hide the sniffling.

Once she left the room I went into the bathroom and splashed water on my face "Get yourself together Natsu..." I said after a huge breath "Lucy needs you to stay calm Natsu..." when I was done with my little pep talk to myself I went to my study.

-Natsu's study-

I entered my study and Mira was on the phone. I started walking towards her when she put the phone down "Wendy" she just looked at me and nodded "Yes it is Natsu" I walked towards her and the phone and she set it down on the desk she walked over to my side and stopped "She might know what's wrong right now..." "Ok" I said and went over to the phone.

"Hello Wendy"

"Hello Natsu. I heard about the lady. I'm very sorry"

"So can you tell me what's wrong"

"I need symptoms first. That way I can figure it out on the way there. And the hopefully be right when I see her"

"Symptoms? Ok umm."

I had to think about her symptoms for a minute. Then I had them. "Her symptoms include dizziness, her emotions are everywhere, tired for the past couple days, a fever, and nausea sometimes"

"Ok thank you Natsu. I think I know what's going on with Lucy now"

"Well can you tell me so I can help"

"I can't because I'm not sure. And if I'm correct I'm sure she would want to tell you"

"Ok. Is there anything I can do to keep her calm"

"Just be careful with what you do and say around her. Don't let her get stressed out either"

"Ok. Thanks Wendy"

"No problem. Bye now"

"Goodbye" and with that I hung up. As soon as I hung up on Wendy Lucy came in. "Hi sweetheart..." I said in a calm but stern voice "What are you doing Natsu?" She asked sweetly "Nothing. Just got off the phone" she looked at me with curiosity in her eyes "Off the phone with who?" "Wendy" then her eyes grew big with excitement.

"Is Wendy coming home!" She said almost screaming in excitement. I just laughed at how excited she was "Yes she is coming home" she ran up to me and hugged me really tightly and I almost fell over "Woah there Luce" I said between a laugh.

I then noticed that she had stopped giggling. I listened closely and figured out that she was crying now. My eyes widened. I tried taking her off of me but she wouldn't let go.

"Lucy. Sweetheart. Please stop crying..." she just gripped my shirt and cried into my chest. "I'm sorry.." she said between sobs "It's ok baby. There is no need to cry though" I pulled her off of me finally and had my hands on her shoulders as she looked down to the floor.

I kissed the top of her head and then she finally looked up at me. I wiped away her tears and kissed her forehead "You still have a fever sweetheart" I said sternly. she just nodded slowly "I know..." she said between sniffles as I rubbed her head with my hand "Get back to bed.." I said sternly.

It may have sounded rude to other people but Lucy had stopped crying and came up to me and gave me a hug before leaving the room. She always listens when I'm serious but she likes to play a lot so she could not be going to the room but somewhere else.

I looked out the door and she was running towards the bathrooms.

I followed her.

-The bathrooms-

I got to the bathrooms and she was already inside one of them. So I put my ear against the door and listened. I pulled away and knocked "Lucy?" "Yeah..." she said quietly "What's going on?" She started walking towards the door and then ran away.

She threw up.

I opened the door and walked over to her. "Are you ok?" I asked "Yeah. I'm fine" she said quite fast and then threw up again. I just got down on my knees and started rubbing her back and held her hair back out of her face.

She started crying "Hey.. it's going to be ok" "I know. I just feel horrible..." she said in a weak voice "Everything's going to be fine" I said letting go of her hair and hugging her from behind.

She turned around and hugged me back "Thank you Natsu..." she said, smiling into my chest. I just stroked the back of her head and tried to stay calm for her.

I sat there for a while stroking the back of her head maybe about a half an hour and I didn't hear her crying anymore. I looked down and saw that she was sleeping on my chest "Your so out of it aren't you baby. Poor thing..." I then picked her up bridal style and walked out of the bathroom with a sleeping Lucy in my arms.

"Goodnight baby. Sweet dreams..."

Natsu's Angel (making the edited version in a new book!)Where stories live. Discover now