Chapter 2

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  -Master bedroom-

With that my blood started to boil but I didn't show it to anyone. I stared at Gray. He started to speak but I cut him off "What do you mean someone is after Lucy" my grip tightened on her as I held her close to my chest as she still slept soundly.

"That's all I was told sir" that made my blood boil even more and I was close to loosing it "Find out more then" he nodded and left the room. As soon as he left I looked at Lucy and hugged her tightly.

She looked so innocent and pure. What could she do so wrong that would make people go after her. I just rubbed her back and then went up to her head and started moving pieces of her hair out of her face.

She looked so peaceful and calm while I sit and worry about her safety. I know she's sleeping but I will always protect her no matter what. I laid her down in the bed and made sure she was covered with the blankets before I left.

When I saw that she was comfortable I left the bedroom.

-Natsu's study-

While I was sitting in my chair writing my paperwork Gray walked in. He started walking towards me, when I put my pen down and stuck my hand out telling him to stop. He stopped and sat in one of the chairs in front of my desk. I looked at him and he started.

"I got more information from Zeref. He said that they were anonymous. But they said they were after you in the end for destroying them. They wanted you to suffer" my eyes showed no emotion but on the inside I was raging.

"What else" he just looked at me and shook his head "Nothing else sir" then I shook my hand telling him to leave and he did as he was told. Once he left I slammed my fists on the desk making some of the papers fall.

"DAMN IT!! WHAT DO I DO" I started throwing stuff around in frustration "WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO!! I NEED TO KEEP HER SAFE" then there was a slight open in the door.

I didn't even have to look to know who it was. I had to calm myself down in order to speak to her "You can come in sweetheart" she did as told and came in. "What's going on?" She asked innocently "It's nothing baby" she obviously didn't believe me.

"DON'T TELL ME ITS NOTHING!" She yelled. I looked at her with soft eyes "Baby trust me.." she just continued yelling as I got closer to her. "YOUR LYING TO ME! WHATS GOING ON!!" she yelled tears streaming down her face now "Stop crying sweetheart. You'll make yourself pass out again.."

I got closer and with every step towards her she stepped back towards the door "Baby stop stepping back.." I said trying to keep my cool. "IF YOU WONT TELL ME!! I'LL GO TO YOUR BROTHER!!" She threatened "If I tell you sweetheart you'll be worried. I don't want that" she just continued crying and with every sob I knew she was reaching her limit.

"Baby stop crying. It's not good for your health right now. So please" and just after I said that she looked at me with worried eyes and started loosing her balance and started falling "Lucy!" I ran over to her as fast as I could and caught her as her knees hit the ground.

"LUCY! Baby!" She just looked at me and gave me a faint smile "I'm sorry Natsu..." those words made made my eyes widen in fear. Her eyes started to close and i started to yell at her "LUCY! STAY WITH ME! DONT YOU DARE CLOSE YOUR EYES!" Now I was the one shouting instead of her.

She was trying so hard to not close her eyes "STAY WITH ME BABY!!" Gray came running into my study  and as soon as he saw what was going on he came over to me "Sir what's going on?" "CAN'T YOU SEE WHATS GOING ON!!! GO TO MIRA AND HAVE HER GET WENDY FROM HER TRIP" yes Wendy was on a trip but she's needed here.

Natsu's Angel (making the edited version in a new book!)Where stories live. Discover now