Chapter 6

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~Medical Wing~

"Have you missed me Natsu?" He said in a normal tone and then automatically I knew who it was. "Ah so he returns after years of being gone. Is that you? Rikiri Tadasake?" He looked at me and he slowly clapped "Bravo. You remembered my name. At your service Mr. Dragneel! And after so long I was worried you would've forgotten it" he said in a kind of hurt tone.

"Why sound so hurt all of a sudden. It's not like I forgot or anything" he just laughed "True. Anyways who's the girl. Is she just another pawn in your little game?" I nodded "Yes. But there's something different about her that makes me feel.... loved and not betrayed" I said with a blank expression.

On the inside I was smiling though because she's not just a pawn she is my everything and that will never change. I looked back at Lucy and I started walking towards her. I gently picked her up and held her in my arms as she slept.

"Let's go to my office and discuss some things. Rikiri" he nodded "Fine by me..." he said and glared at me coldly. I didn't like it.

"Let's go" I said as I went out the doors. He quickly followed behind

~Natsu's Office~

After we put Lucy in bed we went to my office. I was in my chair legs crossed and I was staring at Rikiri. The room was still a mess from the outburst I had earlier because it hadn't been cleaned up yet. Glass everywhere and books everywhere. It's a mess.

"So Rikiri. Where have you been the last couple years" he just kept looking around the room at the mess "Dang Natsu... you really made a mess of this room" I rolled my eyes at him in annoyance.

"Back on topic Rikiri. I want to get back to my wife..." I said annoyed "Yes sir..." he said quietly as he sat in one of the chairs across from my desk.

"So why did you come back" I said in a low and cold tone "I just wanted to see how you guys were doing" it made me kinda mad "I find it kind of funny that you showed up right after Lucy got shot. And in a black cloak..." I said annoyed and low.

"I just came to check up on the family!" Rikiri said bold and loud. I sat there in my leather chair with a blank expression on my face but on the inside I was a little startled by his sudden urge to shout.

"Fair enough. BUT..." I started with anger in my voice "If I find out different... I'll KILL you. Got that Rikiri" he nodded "Yes sir..." he said low and offended. Just as soon as we finished someone walked in. It was Lucy.

I got out of my chair as fast as I could as it fell over. I rushed over to her as she was holding onto the door frame for support. I grabbed her waist and her upper back as she put her hands on my upper back tugging on my suit.

"N-Natsu..." she said in a sad voice and I could see the tears forming in her eyes "Shhh. I know baby..." I said trying to calm her worries. She just grabbed my suit tighter and one of her hands traveled down to my lower back.

"N-Natsu I'm not s-safe here. I want to go home to my father where I am safe" she said between shivers and sobs. That made my eyes widen "What are you saying Luce..." I said in a scared tone and she finally looked up at me but she let go of my shirt and backed up "Lucy...?" I said nervous and scared.

"I GOT FUCKING SHOT NATSU! IM NOT SAFE HERE! I WANT TO GO HOME WHERE IM ACTUALLY SAFE" She was now screaming at me, tears falling down her beautiful, soft, bright pink flushed cheeks "Lucy. Sweetheart. Your being irrational. You are safe here. You know that" I said as I walked towards her trying to pull her into comforting embrace. She just ran out the room her hands covering her face.

"SWEETHEART" I yelled. I looked down both sides of the hallway looking panicked.

I was panicked.

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