Chapter 14

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When your gone, I can't seem to smile like usual. When your gone I can't bring myself to be a cheerful, happy person. When your gone I feel empty inside, come back, so I can smile with you once more

~Lucy's POV~

It's been a couple days since Natsu's little anxiety fit, and he still hasn't woken up. I haven't smiled at all in the last few days, and I can't seem to force one either.

Gray entered the room and pulled me out of my thoughts "Oh, hello Gray. What's up?" I looked at him curiously "Lucy, you really shouldn't push yourself like this. It's not good for your health at all" looking at him I sighed and shook my head "It's alright Gray, really i'm fine" he gave me a worried look "Just let me know if you need anything, anything at all, alright?" I nodded "Of course" I smiled

Gray eventually left and then it was just me and Natsu again. But a while back I started to get this really bad cough. But thankfully, Natsu was starting to get better and I was so glad that his fever was starting to go down. I went to get up, but I lost my balance and ended up catching myself on the nightstand.

Natsu started to wake from his sleep but I tried not to worry him. He sat up and looked at me "Hey Luce. What are you doing?" I smiled at him "I was waiting for you to wake up silly. How do you feel?" Natsu grabbed at his chest "My chest is still a little sore but other than that, I'm alright" I smiled "That's wonderful news Natsu..." the sleepiness in my voice managed to slip out as I was having a hard time keeping my eyes open

"Lucy? Are you alright" I nodded, trying keep my tiredness hidden "Y-Yeah. I'm fine.." Natsu had a worried expression on his face, and he stuck out his hand "Take my hand Luce.." I looked at him, but I took his hand none the less.

When I went to take his hand, I almost ended up falling, but he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bed where he grabbed my waist, slowly lowering me into his arms

"Lucy, you have a low fever. You look extremely exhausted, how long was I out for?" I sighed "Maybe like, three or four days.." he slightly frowned at my statement "Did you get any sleep at all during that time I was sleeping?" I shook my head

Natsu sighed "Lu.. you have to sleep. You can't be risking our babies life over me" I pushed off him once again, but this time, I'll be careful with my wording.

I stared at Natsu, the tears visibly forming in my eyes "I couldn't just leave you all by your lonesome! What if something had happened to you! I-I WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO FORGIVE MYSELF!!" Natsu frowned at my words and pulled me into a hug "I'm so sorry that I made you worry, I'm sorry I got so worked up and that you had to go through this. I'm sorry.." I sniffled "It's okay.. Natsu" I shut my eyes and fell asleep after that, warm from Natsu's body heat

~Couple Hours Later / Natsu's POV~

It's been a couple hours now since Lucy fell asleep, so I was on my way to checkup on her. I opened the doors to the bedroom but she wasn't there "Lucy..? Are you" I stopped midway through my sentence

The window was open.

My eyes widened in fear "Lucy!" I shouted, as I turned around I saw a very sleepy Lillie standing in the doorway "Papa where's Mama.." she said with a yawn while rubbing her eyes "Hey sweet girl" I picked her up and held her to my chest as she rested her head on my shoulder "Mama just went out on a little walk and Papa was airing out the room a bit. That's all" she nodded

"Hey Papa, is Mama going to leave us? Is Mama leaving you?" I gotta say I was shocked at her question and nudge her with my shoulder lightly so she would lift her head "What gave you that idea?" I asked, curious to why she would ask that "Because Papa n Mama were arguing a couple days ago and Mama said something about leaving Papa" I frowned internally at her answer "Papa... I don't want to leave you. I want Mama and Papa to stay forever"

I laid her head back on my shoulder, and her little hands gripped my jacket "Baby, Mama and Papa aren't going anywhere. We will always be with you, and neither of us will ever leave you all by yourself" she nodded "Okay Papa"

After a while I walked to Lillie's room, her sleeping peacefully in my arms. I laid her in her bed and tucked her in, and I kissed her on her forehead then left the room.

I ran to the family room and slammed the doors open "Lucy's missing!"

Everybody looked panicked "I went to go check on her, but when I got there she wasn't there. Please, somebody help me look for her.." lowering my head I heard people start to whisper. Gray put a hand on my shoulder "Do you really have to ask? We have your back, as well as Lucy's. Everyone, let's get going"

I was so relieved, almost in tears "Thank you Gray" "No problem man, we are family after all" I nodded and we started our search "Mira, can you stay here to watch over Lillie" she smiled "Yes, of course" with that I ran off with the others

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