Chapter 19

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~Natsu's POV~

After we got back to the estate, I was treated for the wound I had gotten on my side.

Lucy was treated for all of her injuries that her father had inflicted on her, and there were a lot

"How is Lucy doing? Is she doing alright?"

I asked Wendy, since she was the one
taking care of the both of us right now.

"She is doing just fine Natsu. So far her recovery is going as it should" I sighed in relief

"That's a huge relief. But I still can't help the fact that I should have been with her."

I sighed hiding every emotion at the moment

"If I had been with her then she wouldn't have ended up in this state and this wouldn't have happened"

Wendy shook her head "Natsu, you can't blame yourself for this. It is not your fault"

She paused for a moment, I just kept looking out the window.

"You know that this is not your fault. No one knew this was going to happen"

I patted her shoulder "I guess you're right" she smiled

"Now will you go check in on Lucy?" Wendy nodded "Where are you going to go?"

"I'm heading to my study to work on a few things"

She nodded, then went off to the room Lucy was staying in. For the time being, Lucy would be staying in one of the estates medical rooms.

This way, she could be monitored for a while but also have eyes on her pretty much around the clock.

I on the other hand, was trying to figure out what people wanted with my family

"Yo, Natsu. Can I come in" I looked up to see Gray standing in the doorway "Proceed"

He came in and sat down in front of my desk "How is she?" Gray spoke "She is doing fine"

Gray sighed "Hiding your emotions again? Haven't seen you do this in a VERY long time."

I looked up at him and put my hands on the desk "Is there a problem Gray?"

He shook his head "No sir" I waved my hand "Goo-"

Gray cut me off before I could say anything else to him

"But, are you going to do this with her too? Hide your emotions?" I chuckled as I continued on writing.

"With Lucy? Is that what you mean? If so, please explain why you have asked this.."

He sighed "Natsu, Lucy won't be used to this side of you. You and I both know this, so why have decided to start this all up again?"

I stopped writing for a moment, and looked at Gray "What is it that you are asking me to do..?"

He clenched his hands into fists

"As your best friend, I'm asking you to not put Lucy through that pain. She won't understand, and it will hurt her. You have already seen what it will do to her, haven't you. It isn't right to do it to her again, you know that."

I laugh slightly "Are you asking me to quit the charade and only show little bits of my emotions to her then? Is that it?"

He turns his head and scoffs "I'm asking you not to do it at all Natsu. But if that won't do, then at least don't do this to her"

I wave my hand at him "Yes, yes. You may leave now."

Gray headed to the door. But as he opened it to leave, he had another thing to say to me

Natsu's Angel (making the edited version in a new book!)Where stories live. Discover now